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Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Trump will ask to establish the death penalty for migrants who murder Americans

The former president (2017 -2021) and Republican presidential candidate, donald trumpcontinues with his anti-immigrant speech and said this Tuesday that will request that establishes the death penalty for any convicted migrant for murdering an American citizen, which is one of the most extreme proposals in his anti-immigrant rhetoric.

“We have to do it… I am asking for the death penalty for any migrant who kills an American citizen or a law enforcement agent… Congress is going to approve it,” the former governor said before a crowd in the city of Greensboro, North Carolina.

This is the fourth visit in two days to the state that is part of the seven key states, which will define the next occupant of the White House.

Kamala Harris during her interview on NBC.

North Carolina, which has 16 electoral votesis one of the battleground states where polls show an extremely close race between the Republican and Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump was expected to focus his speech on recovery efforts. North Carolina, which was hit last month by Hurricane Heleneand left more than 230 dead in its wake, the majority in that state.

Although he criticized the federal government’s response to the disaster, the Republican focused on repeating his anti-immigrant rhetoric over and over again during his nearly two hours of speech.

He even considered that Immigration is the issue that worries Americans most above the economy, in an attempt to push his “open borders” rhetoric on criminals with which he has garnered support and applause.

The economy is what voters most worry about

But according to the latest Gallup poll, the economy is the only issue where a majority of voters (52%) say candidates’ positions on the issue are an “extremely important” influence on their vote.

Another 38% of voters rate the economy as “very important,” meaning the issue could be a significant factor for nine in ten voters.

The survey found that Immigration ranked fifth among a list of 22 issues important to voters, according to the poll published last week.

“I think (immigration) is number one, it’s first, and second is the economy, and third is inflation… I think the border is the biggest threat to this country,” Trump said when referring to the results. of the surveys.

Under that argument he attacked his rival Harris, whom he again accused of having “open borders”this despite the fact that the restrictions on asylum imposed by Joe Biden’s Government since last June have managed to reduce the number of arrests on the southwest border to lower numbers than in 2020, the last year of the Republican Government, according to data revealed today .

Trump again promised mass deportations and a 10-year punishment for those who return after being expelled.

He boasted the support of Border Patrol workers who deal with the alleged crisis on the southern border, through which, again, he noted that drug traffickers, rapists and criminals enter.

The insults against Harris

For the second time in the day He insulted and attacked Harris again: “We don’t need another person with low IQ, we had one for four years, we don’t need another,” said the former president, repeating what he said in the morning at a rally in Miami,

He insisted that his rival “is lazy and was sleeping” while he worked hard, alluding to the fact that the vice president did not have any public campaign event scheduled for this day, although former President Barack Obama (2009-2017) today courted the vote in favor of Harris in Wisconsin and Detroit (Michigan) in the company of the singer Eminem

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