After the opposition between Mars and Pluto This weekend, full of ambition, the United States prepares to vote. As fiery Mars forms a new Celestial Archer with Mercury (ideas) and Neptune (ideals), we all need to remember that fighting fire with fire will not heal divisions. Today, with Mars entering LeoBy showing compassion, we can bring calm to troubled waters. If we want others to follow our example, it is through our actions that we can spread messages of hope. Take a look at your horoscope today to see what the stars have in store for you
ARIES (March 21 – April 20)
How much frustration are you willing to endure? How much more time and energy are you willing to invest in a situation that, despite your efforts, seems to get worse? Sometimes if you find yourself in a hole, it’s best to stop digging. With Mars, your ruler, moving into Leo, if you can change the way you think about a tired situation, you will create space for a new option. A different path has the potential to bring experiences that will significantly change your perception of the future.
TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)
You are carrying a responsibility that you cannot share. But just because you can’t let go doesn’t mean you can’t ease the burden. Today you have the opportunity to lean against a metaphorical wall. If you stop for a moment, you can reevaluate your route. The Celestial Archer offers you a faster path to advance. This means worrying less about how things will turn out. By making better use of the tools and options available, and being willing to adapt, if you give yourself a push, this will be much easier than you think.
GEMINI (May 22 – June 22)
“And they lived happily ever after.” If you could write the ending of the drama you are involved in, those would be the words you would choose. But you’re realistic enough to know that on Earth, experiences rarely have that kind of outcome. However, in the current cosmic climate, with the Celestial Archer involving your ruler, Mercury, there is reason to be optimistic. Today brings a positive development that will allow you to change your focus. By taking a step back, you will find a way to live more fulfillingly.
CANCER (June 23 – July 23)
Although you wish something would end once and for all, it still doesn’t. However, soon, your wish has a good chance of coming true. With Mars leaving your sign after a prolonged stay, you have reached the end of a dramatic episode. Situations that seem complicated and uncertain will soon become clear. For now, you’re still keeping a lot of things up in the air or trying to build solid foundations on shaky ground. Nothing is as stable as it will ever be. But you are moving forward. Keep going. You’re almost there.
LEO (July 24 – August 23)
Stopping a fast moving vehicle takes time. From the moment you step on the brake until you come to a complete stop, you travel a considerable distance. And if you’re standing on a platform watching an express train approach, it’s hard to tell if it’s speeding up or slowing down. You are frustrated by the speed of your progress. It’s true; Things aren’t moving as fast as you’d like. But even though you have been forced to slow down, you have not stopped completely. With Mars in your sign, you’re about to gain momentum.
VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)
You are tempted to list all the factors that prevent you from doing what you want. But don’t do it. It’s not worth it. Instead, remember that nothing is completely problem-free. No path is completely clear of obstacles. And no plan is without complications. Obviously, some problems are bigger than others. But some people give up at the slightest obstacle, while others take a deep breath and jump (or climb) over it. It’s not the size of your challenge that matters, but your determination to overcome it. Forward! You can handle this!
LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)
An important situation in your life is changing. A decision has been made. Hurrah! However, to you, it may not seem much different; the change seems insignificant. This is because it is taking you time to process the impact of your choice. Today, the Celestial Archer points you in a direction that you must follow. Even if the territory seems familiar, you’re headed toward something new. You will soon realize that things will not be as before. And what is happening in your world is deserved and more satisfying.
SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)
Our judgment is not always correct. Sometimes we make mountains of molehills and ignore important things. In your birthday season, that tendency may be more pronounced. It’s because we can’t help but evaluate what’s happening in our lives. We look back at our plans and hopes, and judge ourselves: have we done as well as we could? Should we have tried harder? The energy of the Celestial Archer helps rebalance your perspective. Your challenge is less than you think. And you’re doing better than you think.
SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)
Abracadabra! With a wave of your wand, everything will fall into place. Well… that’s the dream. But even with Mercury and Venus in your sign, your powers are not as strong. However, there is a reason for the lack of movement. It’s similar to why it’s good to be hungry before going out to eat. It is increasing your appreciation of what awaits you. Which is fine… but you’re under pressure to perform; You can’t wait much longer. Knowing that your powers are growing, it may be easier to be patient. It will be worth it.
CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)
Without strong foundations, buildings would collapse. But we don’t think much about those invisible structural complexities; Unless they show signs of weakness, we take them for granted. Being a conscious Capricorn, you sometimes feel that your contribution to maintaining complex situations is not appreciated. No one fully understands how much you give yourself. Or how much you do to keep things safe and stable. Today brings recognition for the role you are playing. And the deserved support.
AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)
If you want to get away from your current situation, you can do so. Nobody is going to stop you. You are under no obligation to stay and deal with a challenging scenario. If you decide to take a step back, people will understand. In fact, they are surprised by your level of commitment. However, you’re not going to take that option. Stop doubting your integrity and questioning your reasoning. You are showing loyalty and faith. And you are right to demonstrate these qualities. Your sense of duty is about to pay off and earn respect.
PISCES (February 20 – March 20)
The problem with getting so wrapped up in the details of a situation is that we lose perspective. I know you’re stuck on something that feels urgent and important. But if you could take a step back, you might find parts of it almost funny. There are certainly some strange aspects that, if seen the right way, would make you laugh. But you won’t find them if you’re stressed. So take a deep breath. Relax. Your worry (and passion) is making things seem more complex than they really are.