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Saturday, September 28, 2024

These are the provinces on alert

The San Miguel summer will be cooler than usual this year. The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) foresees for this Saturday a generalized drop in temperatures in almost all of Spainwhich will be accompanied by slightly cloudy skies in most of the Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, but with intervals of strong wind in several regions. Thus, six provinces will be on warning for rain, wind and waves.

Specifically, there will be warnings for coastal phenomena throughout the Balearic Islands, Girona and Tarragona (Catalonia). The wind warnings They will be located in Tarragona (Catalonia) and Castellón (Valencian Community). Lastly, the rain warnings They will be on the Cantabrian slope of Navarra (Foral Community of Navarra) and Guipúzcoa (Basque Country).

According to the Aemet forecasts, the day will begin with cloudy skies in the Cantabrian area, the upper Ebro and the Pyrenees, with weak rainfall in general, without ruling out that they will be persistent in Guipúzcoa and on the Cantabrian slope of Navarra. The rains will stop and the skies will clear from west to east, while there will be cloudy intervals in the Mediterranean area and, in the Canary Islands, possible light rains on the islands of greater relief.

These are the provinces on alert

Maximum temperatures will continue to drop in the eastern half of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, a decrease that will be locally notable in areas of the Mediterranean coast. While, will begin to increase in the west of the territory yen In the Canary Islands, no big changes are expected. In this sense, the provincial capitals that will register the highest values ​​will be Seville (30 degrees), Córdoba and Huelva (29), and Murcia (28).

The prediction includes possible morning mists in the mountains of the extreme north of the Peninsula. Furthermore, it is planned weak frosts in the Pyrenees and, isolated, in peaks of the western Cantabrian mountain range, northern Iberian and Central system. In the Pyrenees, the snow level will be between 1,700 and 2,000 meters with a low probability of accumulating between one and two centimeters.

Prediction by communities

Andalusia: the skies will have cloudy intervals. The minimum temperatures will decrease, while the maximum temperatures will suffer this decrease on the Mediterranean slope and in the rest they will increase. The winds will be weak in the interior, while they will be from the west or moderate northwest on the coast, which will turn to an easterly component throughout the morning and will blow moderately with strong intervals.

Aragon: The snow level will be between 1,600 and 1,800 meters and there will be clear skies except in the Pyrenees, which will be covered with light rains. Temperatures will drop. In the Ebro valley, there will be a moderate northwest wind and in the rest there will be a light wind with a predominance of the northern and western components.

Asturias: Lightly cloudy skies are expected in the western half that will increase to cloudy in the east at the end of the day, while in the eastern part they will tend to slightly cloudy in the afternoon with possible early morning rain. The minimum temperatures will decrease slightly while the maximum temperatures will change except for a slight rise that will be more pronounced in the Cordillera. On the coast, the wind will go from light to moderate while in the rest it will be light.

Balearics: There will be slightly cloudy skies with the possibility of isolated early morning rain except in Menorca and the eastern half of Mallorca, where there will be cloudy intervals with some showers that could be heavy in the afternoon. Temperatures will decrease and minimum temperatures will be reached at the end of the day. The wind will be light to moderate from the north with strong intervals in Ibiza and Formentera in the morning.

Canary Islands: The skies will be cloudy with light rains in the north of the most important islands, although they will become clear in the central hours. The minimum temperatures will not change and the maximum temperatures will decrease slightly in the interior. The wind will be moderate and will come from the northeast and more intense on the northwest and southeast slopes.

Cantabria: The skies will be overcast but will tend to be slightly cloudy at the end of the day with possible light showers in the first part of the day that will subside in the afternoon. Minimum temperatures will not change except for a slight decrease in the southwest. On the coast, the moderate northwest wind will turn east with some strong gusts, while in the interior it will be weak.

Castile-La Mancha: intervals of high clouds are expected. Minimum temperatures will drop as well as maximum temperatures in the northeast. The north and northeast wind will be weak.

Castile and León: Few cloudy skies are expected except in the north where there will be intervals with clouds with possible light rains. Minimum temperatures will decrease. Winds from the north to northeast will be weak in general.

Catalonia: the skies will be clear except in the western Pyrenees, which will be covered with weak rainfall on the north side that will fall in the afternoon in the northeast, where there will be cloudy intervals with scattered showers, on a day with the snow level between 1,600 and 1,800 meters. Temperatures will decrease. In the north of Ampurdán and south of Tarragona, the wind from the north and northwest will be moderate to strong, with very strong gusts in the morning, while in the rest the wind will be weak and variable.

Estremadura: slightly cloudy skies are expected. Minimum temperatures will decrease, while maximum temperatures will rise slightly. Winds from the north to the east will be weak in general.

Galicia: Skies are expected with intervals of high clouds that will increase to cloudy in the west at the end of the day and morning fog banks are not ruled out in high areas of Lugo and east of Ourense. Minimum temperatures will decrease, while maximum temperatures will increase, which will be more pronounced in high areas in the east and south. The light northerly wind will turn east and then south inland, while on the coast the northerly wind will turn south at the end of the day.

Murcia: the skies will have cloudy intervals. Temperatures will decrease. The light winds from the north will turn to the east in the early morning and will become moderate in the rest with strong gusts in Campo de Cartagena.

Community of Madrid: the skies will be slightly cloudy. Minimum temperatures will decrease. The wind will be light and northeast.

Navarre: Overcast skies with a tendency to slightly cloudy are expected at the end of the day and probable light rains in the first part of the day in the northern half, which will be moderate on the Cantabrian slope, although they will subside in the afternoon. Temperatures will drop. The light northwest wind will have moderate intervals in La Ribera.

Rioja: Lightly cloudy skies are expected, with the possibility of morning cloudiness accompanied by light rainfall in the mountains. Temperatures will go down. The northwest and north winds will subside in the later hours.

Valencian Community: the skies will be clear. Temperatures will drop, especially in the highs on the southern coast. In the north of Castellón, the northwest wind will go from moderate to strong with very strong gusts in the morning, which will decrease in the afternoon to light, while on the coast the wind from the east and northeast will go from light to moderate and in the interior the wind will be weak from the east.

The Basque Country: The skies will be covered with weak rains on the coast, which may be moderate early in the morning on the coast of Guipúzcoa. Temperatures will not change on the coast and will decrease in the rest. On the coast, the moderate northwest wind will turn to the east and decrease, although with some strong gusts during the first half of the day, while in the rest it will be weak from the north accompanied by strong gusts in high areas in the east.

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