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The universities agree to penalize spelling mistakes in Selectivity with a maximum of two points and to homogenize the exams

The Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) has agreed on the penalties that must be imposed in the new Selectivity the spelling mistakes or lack of coherence of a text. Thus, they point out that it will be maximum of two points Furthermore, they also opt for a homogenization of exams and because the new EBAU is celebrated the first week of June throughout the country.

According to the Proposal for minimum agreements on guidelines for university access and admission subjects of this academic year, the penalties due to lack of coherence, cohesion, grammatical, lexical and orthographic correctness will be 2 points in case of Spanish Language and Literature II and in the co-official languages; 1 in Mathematics; and a maximum of 1.5 points in the case of Foreign Language II or second foreign language. The document was approved last week during the access and admission sessions held in Bilbao and was announced this Monday.

According to CRUE sources 20 minutesthe universities also put on the table the possibility of the tests being celebrate in all centers the first week of June“as long as the educational calendars allow it and so that each district can define the specific sequence of exams that best suits the needs of its students.”

The universities agree to penalize spelling mistakes in Selectivity with a maximum of two points and to homogenize the exams

The CRUE document, which the commissions of each autonomous community will now have to apply, also emphasizes in homogenizing criteria in the 17 university districts of Spain in order to get closer in terms of subject weighting, which increases the entrance grade at each university by a few tenths. “It is agreed that the people in charge of coordinating the exams, for each subject and in each of the 17 districts, participate jointly in the development of harmonized exam proposals for subsequent calls,” indicates the agreed text.

Unique and “gradual” model

The “minimum” agreement states that Each subject will present a unique exercise model how to homogenize and that it will be structured in different sections or blocks according to the established curriculum, although the CRUE emphasizes that there is a progressive adaptation of current tests to the new ones. Thus, with the objective that the students adapt to the new Selectivity in a gradual way, “the design of each exam will have at least between 20 and 25% of mandatory competency questions“. The rectors specify in this section that “the impact” of the change from the covid-type model to the new one must be minimized.

Thus, in an exam of four questions of 2.5 points each, there will be at least one of a competency nature that must be answered, the document states. In this sense, the CRUE affirms that they will continue to work “jointly” in order to reach the maximum possible consensus and to “harmonization of subjects throughout the Spanish territory” According to the rectors, the ideal would be “a homogeneity that allows the fairness of the tests to be shown in everything we have in common, but at the same time respects and represents what is unique to each community.”

SALAMANCA, 07/01/2024.- The president of the PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo (c) with the presidents of Castilla y León, Alfonso Fernández Mañueco (d), Andalusia, Juanma Moreno (2i) of the Community of Madrid, Isabel Díaz Ayuso (i), at the closing ceremony of " For a common EBAU" which is celebrated in Salamanca. EFE/JMGARCÍA

The rectors have also spoken about the basic structure of the examssince they consider that “the questions or tasks that make up the different tests must connect, through the basic knowledge of the subject, with the specific competencies of the subjects of the curriculum established in RD 243/2022” and also with what is planned in the decrees of each community.

Three years validity

On the other hand, the text the Conference recommends that the validity of the admission test is three yearssince until now it was two and proposes that the multiple choice questions stick to 30% and that the rest are questions or tasks that require closed, semi-constructed or open answers.

Along these lines, they ask that the design of the Selectivity test be adapted to the 90 minutes that lasts “It should be considered in this regard that students will have to dedicate time to reading and analyzing what was requested, as well as planning and executing their response,” they state.

Finally, they establish the grading criteria, so that for the test “to be valid and to be computed, students will have to+ achieve a grade equal to or greater than 5 points.” Furthermore, for the calculation of the admission notedepending on the degree and university chosen, the grades of the two most beneficial materials for the student based on the established weighting parameters. “The maximum value of the admission grade will be 14 points“, they add.

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