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New York
Wednesday, October 23, 2024

The PSOE plans an ‘all-powerful’ presidency for RTVE, reducing the power of the Board of Directors

This Tuesday, the Minister of Digital Transformation of the Public Service, Óscar López, announced that the Government will modify the law of RTVEso that the Board of Directors of the public entity increases in number of members, can be elected with an absolute majority instead of three-quarters and in addition, there will be an increase from 10 to 15 councilors, 11 elected in Congress and 4 in the Senate.

In practice this means that the PSOE and the parties with which it governs thanks to concessions will have many more councilors than the opposition, because in Congress the PSOE and its allies have a majoritywhile in the Senate the PP has it and in addition, the Government excluded Vox from all negotiations.

Óscar López boasted on several occasions during his announcement that this decree “aims to reinforce pluralism” and that the next Board of Directors of RTVE will be “the most plural in history.”

The PSOE plans an ‘all-powerful’ presidency for RTVE, reducing the power of the Board of Directors

Now it has become known that this pluralism will be of little value, since the decree also increases the powers of its presidency, allowing whoever is in charge to make many decisions without the need for a vote in the managing body. Given the majorities in Congress, it is almost guaranteed that the president of RTVE will be appointed at the proposal of the PSOE. His term will be six years. The Government has given a period of 30 days for both chambers to vote on its proposals for the Council.

The royal decree approved by the Government that reforms law 17/2006 on state-owned radio and television to renew the Board of Directors of RTVE, published this Wednesday in the BOE, rules that the person who presides RTVE may appoint and dismiss the Corporation’s management team. Until now, the president could only make a proposal in this regard to the Board of Directors, and its members were the ones who proceeded to the vote.

The president may also approve “the basic organization of the RTVE Corporation and its modifications”, that is, the organizational chart of the public entity, in addition to approving, without consulting the Council, all contracts, agreements, agreements or legal transactions that do not exceed two million euros.

Additionally, she will be responsible for the Corporation’s automated files and will have to ensure that data protection legislation is complied with personal.

Lastly, and among other things, he will direct and coordinate the activities of the governing bodies of the Corporation, in accordance with the guidelines of the Council, and “confer and revoke powers”, in addition to proposing to the Board the appointment and dismissal of administrators of the subsidiary companies.

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