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Friday, October 4, 2024

The mandatory course for dog owners is advancing and looking for veterinarians to collaborate for 250 euros per hour

The Animal Rights and Welfare Protection Lawwhich is expected to come into full force in 2025, contemplates the mandatory nature of a training course in responsible ownership for all those who acquire a dog from its implementation. This course It will not be necessary for those who already live with a dogbut its objective is to raise awareness among future owners about the responsibilities that come with owning a animal of company.

He General Council of Veterinary Colleges will be in charge of teaching these training modules, which will include topics such as animal welfare, socialization and managementas well as the legal obligations of the owners.

The mandatory course for dog owners is advancing and looking for veterinarians to collaborate for 250 euros per hour

According to statements by José Ramón Becerra, the general director of Animal Rights, the objective of the course, four hours long and on-lineis for future caregivers to reflect on what it means to have a dog. “The objective is not for all people to be experts in handling dogs, but for them to reflect beforehand on what it implies in time, needs or costs, as well as the changes it entails in people’s daily lives,” Becerra explained in an interview with 20minutes.es in August.

The formalization of the mandatory course was published last June 10 in the Official State Gazette (BOE)developed by the General Directorate of Animal Rights in collaboration with the General Council of Veterinary Colleges of Spain (COLVET).

Search for veterinary trainers for the courses: €250/h per participation

The General Council of Veterinary Colleges of Spain, in collaboration with the General Directorate of Animal Rights, has begun the search for veterinarians interested in participating as trainers in future responsible dog ownership courses.

Requirements to participate as trainers: Veterinarians interested in being part of this initiative must be registered and familiar with communication. on-linesince the courses will be taught in digital format. The training will cover basic aspects such as the obligations of the owner, animal welfare, management and socialization of animals, and will be remunerated at a rate of €250 per hour.

Veterinary services are subject to a VAT of 21%, despite numerous claims from professionals in the sector to reduce it.

Instructions for participation: Veterinarians who wish to participate must send a video of a maximum of one minute in length, recorded vertically with their mobile phone and in a single take. The video must include a presentation with your name, membership number and the province where you practice. Additionally, they must offer a brief introduction to the importance of responsible dog ownership. Originality and communication skills will be valued.

Each veterinary college will select two videos (one of a man and one of a woman) and send them to the General Council of Veterinary Colleges before October 5 for final selection. Videos can be sent directly to the corresponding collegiate entity in your province.

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