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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The majority of provincial capitals have reduced the IBI after the pandemic

Most provincial capitals has decreased after the pandemic the Real Estate Tax (IBI), with which the town councils obtain the 66% of your income for local taxes.

This is stated in a study on the panorama of local taxation 2024 prepared by the Registry of Tax Advisory Economistsbody specialized in taxation of the General Council of Economists of Spain. The report compares the difference in IBI fees between 2018 and 2023 for homes with a cadastral value of 100,000 euros, placing Palma (95 euros less), Barcelona (90 less) and Oviedo (86 less) as those that have cut the most that tax.

They are followed by Ciudad Real (80 euros less), Santander (59 less), Madrid (54 less) and Zaragoza (53 less). Specifically, of the 46 provincial capitals analyzedin 24 it has decreased and in 14 of them it has not changed the quota. On the other hand, the IBI receipt has increased in Girona (98 euros more), Jaén (50 more), Ávila (43 more), Cáceres (30 more), Soria (24 more), Lleida (24 more), Logroño (10 more) and Murcia (8 more) compared to before the coronavirus.

The majority of provincial capitals have reduced the IBI after the pandemic

We don’t find a pattern behavior in the municipalities regarding their fiscal strategy in the IBI after the pandemic, although we could affirm that, generally speaking, the tax rate has been maintained or reduced in the majority of provincial capitals,” the study states.

The data reflects that the IBI payment for that cadastral value in Santander or Zaragoza amounted to 400 euros, while in Girona 1,005 euros was paid. If the cadastral value was 300,000 euros, the difference in installments was 1,815 euros. Along the same lines, the report shows that while in Huelva in 2018 around 820 euros were paid for a house with a cadastral value of 100,000 euros, in 2023 780 euros were paid for the same.

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