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The Government appreciates an unprecedented “escalation” between ERC and Junts and blames them for the instability

The Government appreciates an unprecedented “escalation” between ERC and Junts and blames them for the instability

The legislature already knew it was complicated since the polls opened on June 23, but now that the entire electoral cycle has passed and the political course begins, the Executive begins to see trouble and already recognizes the difficulties of governing in a minority and with rival partners such as Junts and ERC. Government sources now appreciate an “escalation” of political tension between the two pro-independence partieswho have just passed through the polls without taking the key to the Generalitat and are about to delve into their respective internal processes. They recognize that this confrontation nothing good for them because it compromises—even more so—the stability of the legislature.

However, the Government remains committed to governing until 2027 despite the parliamentary attacks and leaving in the balance regulations as far-reaching as the General State Budgets (PGE) or the law to regulate temporary rental.

But this week ERC and Junts have thrown their weight at each other’s heads more than ever, especially after the Government withdraw the deficit path vote —a step prior to budget processing— because it did not have sufficient support. After this, Moncloa has launched into negotiating with Junts a new spending limit, but the Republicans have also demanded to enter into these negotiations, which has tightened the rope even more.

The Executive recognizes that “never before” had I witnessed a confrontation like the one that occurred this Thursday between the two in Congress. In it, Junts accused ERC of surrendering to the PSOE “in exchange for nothing” and they accused them of having approved more government measures without negotiating. None of this lessened difficulties for the socialists, quite the opposite.

Moncloa sources see it as normal for this type of dispute to occur between them, because in Catalonia they are “out to kill”, but they point out that this “escalation” is not good for them because the price of your supports rises. And the PSOE signed investiture agreements with them, not legislature agreements, so it seems that the negotiation will be tailored to measure if these groups so decide. For now, the Government has already come to terms with the idea that it will do so with Junts. “With them it’s step by step”they point out from the Executive, which has its sights set on the first of them, which is the deficit path.

The negotiations have already been underway since this past weekend, specifically, since the Government withdrew the vote after observing a “crack” through which they could attract support of the post-convergents. They wanted the Government to be open to distributing the deficit in three thirds between the Government, the communities and the town councils, something that Moncloa flatly rejects, although it is open to the State becomes more indebted for the benefit of communities and municipalitieswhich would have more spending margin.

The Executive also assured then that there would be no time margin in this negotiation, although after the slap on the wrist by ERC by ensuring that there is a rush to move forward with the deficit path, now in Moncloa they say that They will try to present it before the ERC and Junts congressesthat is, in this month of October.

What yes The presentation of the Budgets is going to be delayed Generals of the State. This was stated by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez. “We do not make politics about a vacuum”were the words with which he justified that the Executive is going to “wait” for its “parliamentary partners” to hold their congresses to present the public accounts.

Meanwhile, tension increases between both groups, with six deputies each and all of them essential for the Government to be able to form a majority to legislate. And although Sánchez came to assure that he would govern “with or without the concurrence of the legislature,” he soon corrected his words before the socialist parliamentarians, asking them to open themselves to “ideas and needs” of other parliamentary forces to achieve majorities.

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