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Saturday, October 26, 2024

Sánchez and Pradales will lead the commission to accelerate transfers to the Basque Country on November 6

The President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezand the lehendakari Imanol Pradales On November 6, they will preside over the bilateral commission to accelerate and complete transfers pending the Basque Country.

Sources of Moncloa have reported the realization of this datepending its inclusion in the official agendas of both leaders since they met in the Madrid capital last September. Madrid will host the bilateral commission, which, as government sources recall, aims to “advance the agenda of cooperation between governments central and Basque and in the transfer of the pending powers of the Statute of Gernika”.

Is what he asked for in Moncloa Pradales when he met with Sánchez on September 20, the beginning of the round of interviews that the head of the Executive has been holding since then with the regional presidents. The Lehendakari then told the press, after the interview with the leader of the PSOEwhich had agreed on an agenda in order to mark the bilateral treatment of pending transfers.

Sánchez and Pradales will lead the commission to accelerate transfers to the Basque Country on November 6

Thus, as agreed by the leaders, before the end of 2024 the central and Basque administrations will have to have promoted the arrival of BIRD to Euskadi and the connection with Navarra. It would be the spearhead of a first block in which there are also coastal management, authorization of the work of foreigners, maritime rescue, meteorology, a machinery verification center, a film protection fund and recreational fishing.

According to Pradales’ words when he was in Moncloa, at the end of 2025 there would be close the “issues folder” earrings of the Statute”, such as the economic regime of the Social securitypassive employment policies or the management of ports and airports,

On the economic regime of Social Security, one of the most relevant management areas on the list of pending transfers, the Basque Government has begun work. Their plan is to present a proposal before the end of the year. In Vitoria, Lehendakaritza sources have stressed that during the commission also we will talk about the “cooperation agenda” between governments.

For Pradales, therefore, the objective of the bilateral body is “print a new rhythma new dynamic to the Spain-Euskadi relationship.” Furthermore, the completion of pending transfers is one of the points of the programmatic agreement that both parties signed to formalize the new Basque Executive. In Congress, the PNV He is one of the main allies of the PSOE.

At that point of the agreement that allowed a new Government in Victoria The period during which the transfers will have to be formalized is stated: two years from the inauguration of Pedro Sánchez, which was in 2023. There are 29 those pending competitions to transfer to Euskadi included in the Statute of Gernika.

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