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Puigdemont designs a custom Junts dome in which Castellà and Nogueras rise

The former president of the Generalitat and candidate for the presidency of JxCat, Carles Puigdemonthas made a party executive to their measure, in which names such as Míriam Nogueras and Antoni Castellà are promoted, and Jordi Turull repeats as a candidate for the general secretary.

The JxCat militancy will vote this Sunday between 8:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m. for Puigdemont’s list for the presidency of Junts—there will be no alternative list except for a major surprise—and The results will be announced at 1:30 p.m.. The new leadership is scheduled to close the congress right after.

On the list, which Turull presented this Saturday at a press conference, the speaker in the Parliament is also promoted, Monica Salesto one of the vice-presidencies, while the other will be occupied by Josep Rius, close to Puigdemont, and who will also repeat as spokesperson for the party.

The biggest loser in the distribution of names in the Executive is the outgoing president, Laura Borraswho will be part of the leadership as president of the Junts foundation, but who has seen how none of her like-minded people are repeated on the list: neither Aurora Madaula, nor David Torrents or Francesc De Dalmases will be part of the leadership.

To the new Junts Executive, of whom 16 of the 31 names are new, Members of the Acció per la República collective such as Assumpta Cros, Oriol Izquierdo or Ennatu Domingo will join, close to the deputy in Parliament Agustí Colomines, who will ultimately not be part of the leadership.

Puigdemont designs a custom Junts dome in which Castellà and Nogueras rise

Despite this renewal of names in which ‘Puigdemontism’ gains weight, Turull maintains heavyweights in his sector in his leadership, such as David Saldoni – who will continue to head municipal policy and as deputy to the general secretary -, the former president of the Parliament Anna Erra, the former councilor Violant Cervera or the first secretary of the Board of the Catalan chamber, Glòria Freixa.

“Analyzed with perspective, “We all come out better than we came in,” explains a member of the leadership.

On Friday, Turull paved the way for the presentation of this list during the debate on the amendments to the organizational presentation: once the management report was approved, Turull defended behind closed doors the original text, which contemplates that the members of the Executive be elected by blocked lists and that eliminates the six-month membership requirement to qualify for management.

Turull’s words had an effect among the bases, since the text of the presentation has come out ahead with 86.6% of the votes and with a rejection of 5.2%, a result celebrated by the Junts management.

At the press conference to present the list, Turull emphasized that the list incorporates members from “all sensitivities and all territories”, and praised the “cohesion” of the party in this congress.

“Fair reduction” of inheritances and assets

On the other hand, in its sectoral presentation, which will be voted on tomorrow in plenary, JxCat has incorporated an amendment in which it advocates for “a fair reduction” of taxes such as inheritance or estate taxes, instead of proposing the elimination of the latter. assessment, something that the original text did defend.

The text of the political presentation, likewise, has also incorporated a mention of unilaterality, a concept that It was not included in the initial proposal.

“If the path of negotiation does not bear fruit, or is prolonged in a sterile way, we will not renounce the full independence if this is the will of the Catalans,” he states shortly afterwards after pointing out that achieving an agreed referendum is the first option.

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