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Police close a new Chinese restaurant in Usera due to “deplorable conditions”

Agents of the Citizen Services Office of the district of User of the Municipal Police of Madrid have found some 200 kilos of rotten meat and fish in a new Chinese restaurant. This was in deplorable hygienic-sanitary conditions, a spokeswoman for the Local Body reported.

The police intervention took place on September 26 at 1:30 p.m. in this new establishment located at 18 Nicolás Usera Street, which has open only a few months. The agents were going to carry out a routine inspection when they encountered a situation that they did not foresee.

At the entrance they noticed that the establishment, which was open to the public and where a customer was eating, had a luminous flag on the façade that is not covered by the licensejust like a music device. Those responsible provided civil liability insurance that expired as of July.

During the inspection, they observed that the garbage room It was used as a warehouse and container for belongings. and that the mirrors are not placed at the height set by the regulations. In addition, the agents found an upper floor that is not authorized in the license and was accessed by a hidden door behind a sofa. Then, they climbed a two-flight metal staircase without a railing partly occupied by boxes of Chinese food.

Police close a new Chinese restaurant in Usera due to “deplorable conditions”

Upstairs they located kilos of vegetables, with no known traceability, spread on cardboard and drying floor, as well as several shelves with food products of Chinese origin, such as mushrooms, which lacked labeling, and other foods with the best before date expired more than three years ago.

Likewise, on the floor they found a pile of unidentified food packages labeled in Chinese. They also saw a chest freezer that It did not have a temperature control thermometer. where frozen meat and fish products are stored without labeling or control date. Inside there were various types of meat and fish mixed without protection, duck meat with pieces of frost and meatballs without any label, among other products.

On the other hand, already in the kitchen, the police observed a small warehouse where the products were stored anarchically and placed directly on the floor. Additionally, during the inspection they caught an employee emptying the fridge and throwing things into a bin. They discovered that these things were foods that were not suitable for consumption, based on the sole criterion of the smell they gave off and the sallow and olive color that all of them presented.

600 dehydrated marine specimens

In addition to confiscating all this rotten food, between 150 and 200 kilos, which have been made available to the Health Department of the Municipal Board of Usera, the agents found three pressurized plastic bags with 600 dehydrated marine specimens of the holothur family, a species protected by the CITES convention.

For this reason, the owners of this restaurant will be charged with crime against flora and faunain addition to the criminal and administrative responsibilities that arise from all the complaints filed due to the type of poor condition found, the irregularities in the license and the public health risk of the establishment. Although the material was sealed, at the beginning of this week the agents returned to the premises and a good part of the material paralyzed in the chest It was no longer there and they had bricked up the hole.as published this Thursday by the newspaper ABC.

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