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Thursday, November 7, 2024

‎Horoscope for today, Thursday, November 7, discover what your Zodiac sign says

‎Horoscope for today, Thursday, November 7, discover what your Zodiac sign says

As Venus (love and abundance) heads into dynamic alignment with dreamy Neptune, It first connects, uncomfortably, with electric Uranus. It’s a reminder that even with a positive attitude, when progress doesn’t come easily, we can feel disillusioned. However, there is value in fighting; When things get tough, we must prioritize what really matters to us and be creative in how we approach our goals. If challenges arise today, it is not about giving up, but about going deeper and finding new resources. Check your today’s horoscope to find out what the stars have in store for you.

ARIES (March 21 – April 20)

What are you supposed to do if things go wrong? What if nothing ever fits again? Imagine that, from now until the end of time, you were trapped in a world without luck, full of problems and surrounded by people who don’t understand you. Sounds like the worst nightmare! However, life on this planet is always crazy and unpredictable. There is no point in imagining that your situation is going to get worse. It won’t be like that. Instead of thinking about what doesn’t work, think about what does. You will see signs of improvement.

TAURUS (April 21 – May 21)

No matter how we feel or what we do, planet Earth continues to rotate at the same rate. And, despite what we think about our purpose in life, no one knows for sure what it is. That doesn’t stop many people from making assumptions, telling us what we “should” be doing, and criticizing our choices. But you don’t need to join that crowd. No. As your ruler connects with Uranus and then Neptune, you may feel challenged. But soon you will see that the cosmos cares more about you than you think.

GEMINI (May 22 – June 22)

You are good at communicating. So the fact that you keep saying the wrong thing and being misunderstood is disconcerting. No matter what you say (or how many times you say it), you can’t make yourself understood. People seem to listen to you; He even seems to agree with your plans. But nothing changes. So today, try a different tactic. If you say less (and listen more), and look for hidden blessings in a situation that is not as you would like, you will feel less confused and find reasons to be positive.

CANCER (June 23 – July 23)

The coffee chains that exist everywhere started as small independent cafes, just like those ubiquitous burger bars. One could argue that building empires to that extent is unethical or greedy. But I mention these companies because they are good examples of how small ideas can become big successes. Don’t be afraid of your potential. You are discovering talents that you have not fully explored. Trust that you will make good decisions and achieve, in a simple way, more than you think.

LEO (July 24 – August 23)

No matter which way you turn, demands are being made of you. You have promises to keep, bills to pay, people to see, and commitments to honor. Not to mention all the problems you are determined to solve and the causes you are trying to highlight. Oh. Thank goodness you have the planet of power, Mars, in your sign. Still, unless you want to burn yourself out, it’s worth thinking about how you want to prioritize. Then, if you give yourself completely to whatever you do today, you will discover, to your surprise, that you enjoy it.

VIRGO (August 24 – September 23)

We live in a click and collect world of instant gratification, but we are always waiting for something. There are certain processes that cannot be accelerated. A seed in the ground will take time to sprout. And relationships take time to develop. We have to see people in their “winters and summers” to realize what they really are like. You are reaching the end of a stage of development. A long-awaited change is coming. It may feel uncomfortable (change always is), but the result will bring long-term satisfaction.

LIBRA (September 24 – October 23)

Why do you feel guilty? What have you done wrong? What do you need to apologize for? The truth is that you are being too hard on yourself. The only person you need to apologize to is yourself. As your ruler, Venus, makes a difficult link with Uranus, it won’t be difficult to find reasons to punish you. But don’t do it. Its next connection, with Neptune, reminds you of the abundance of the cosmos. If you want to worry, you will find endless reasons to stress. But if you are positive, you can leave unnecessary fear behind.

SCORPIO (October 24 – November 22)

When you are motivated and need to make a good impression, you make an effort to do so (without thinking about the effort you are making). However, if someone you don’t get along with asks you for a favor, you might resent having to go the extra mile. Today, it is important that you commit 100% to everything you do. That includes the things you don’t really want. You either give freely and willingly, or you politely and firmly refuse. Being clear, with yourself and with others, will be liberating.

SAGITTARIUS (November 23 – December 21)

Finding bugs is easy. Just like criticizing people or situations. The problem is that it is so simple that, when external things run out, we direct that negativity towards ourselves. That’s when we think we’ve made mistakes and feel too responsible for problems that aren’t our fault. If we are not careful, we act as our own judge and jury, and impose unnecessary punishments on ourselves. Make forgiveness your goal today. Give it to yourself and anyone you resent. It will change your mood. A lot.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 20)

You’re dealing with a frustrating situation that doesn’t seem to be moving forward. Since no one else seems capable of handling it, you’re considering asserting your authority. But you don’t want to seem dominant. You’d like to project a “quiet confidence” that inspires respect and collaboration. No problem. You can do it… and more. Approach this honestly and say what you need to say gently but firmly. If you handle it sensitively, the people involved will appreciate your bravery and be willing to change their ways.

AQUARIUS (January 21 – February 19)

Imagine driving through an area you haven’t visited in years. Oops. No GPS signal. And it’s been so long that you’re not sure of the path. You come to a crossroads. It’s familiar, but you’re not sure which way to go. Your only option is to trust your instincts; They’ll take you somewhere and even if it’s not exactly where you want to go, you can get help. The link between Venus (love) and your ruler, Uranus, can be complicated, but it is charging your intuition. Trust your instincts today. They will not guide you wrong.

PISCES (February 20 – March 20)

“That’s how the cookie crumbles.” It is one of those expressions that indicate that we have no choice but to accept things as they are (even if we don’t like them). However, crumbling a cookie is a very precise science. Recipes are carefully created so that crumbling occurs in exactly the right amount, under all types of conditions. Instead of simply accepting that something isn’t working in your world, think about what you’re leaving to chance. With a simple modification, everything could be delicious.

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