On some occasions, when you touch power with your hands, it can distort everything, generating excessive egos that make social relationships difficult. The call may appear Hubris syndrome, a psychological state in which one observes how a person develops an excessive egoaccompanied by a exaggerated feeling of power and superiority. “It is not a clinical disorder recognized as such, but it is a behavior that can generate personal and professional conflicts. The word ‘hubris’ comes from ancient Greek and translates as ‘excessiveness’ or ‘excessive pride’. It arises especially in those who occupy positions of authority or success and it is no coincidence, since power can distort self-perception and of others,” he details. Pilar Guerra Escuderoclinical psychologist and executive coach.
“Those who experience it usually despise other people’s opinions, make impulsive decisions and disconnect from reality. They tend to feel superiorwith a sense of omnipotence and an innate right to control others,” the expert tells us, with whom we wanted to delve deeper into this syndrome, trying to recognize the signs that alert us to its presence, as well as possible solutions.
How to detect this syndrome?
As Pilar Guerra Escudero explains to us, detecting Hubris syndrome can be complex, since People who suffer from it usually deny or minimize it. However, there are some signs that can indicate its presence and they are summarized in the following six.
- One of them is the arrogance and superioritybelieving that they are better than others and that they have superior knowledge. And, therefore, they despise them, minimizing other people’s opinions and feelings, considering them not relevant.
- They usually have a excess self-confidence. They believe that they are always right, regardless of criticism or arguments to the contrary.
- Their perception of themselves is distorted and they believe they are infallibleoften being disconnected from reality.
- They can make risky decisionswithout considering the opinions of others and acting impulsively, blindly trusting in their own abilities and without thinking about the consequences of their actions.
- They seek constant validation, since they feel the need to be admired or recognized continually.
- Finally, lack of empathy It is another of the symptoms. They have great difficulty putting themselves in the shoes of others and also often feel the need to control situations and people.
Solutions for this problem
In the expert’s opinion, overcoming Hubris Syndrome requires a deep personal work and, sometimes, the help from a mental health professional. So, some strategies that can help are:
- Become aware of yourself. The key is to recognize that something is not right. Identify and recognize your own thoughts and feelings, especially those that lead to arrogance and contempt for others. Reflect on the impact of one’s own actions.
- Practice empathy to understand others’ points of view and develop healthier relationships. Putting yourself in other people’s shoes and valuing their points of view helps reduce arrogance.
- Cultivate humility and recognize that we all make mistakes and that no one is perfect.
- active listening. Develop the ability to listen attentively to others without interrupting or judging.
- Accept constructive criticism and use it to improve. Surround yourself with people who can give honest opinions, even if they are not pleasant, and listen without defensiveness.
- emotional management. Practice relaxation techniques, meditation or mindfulness can facilitate better impulse control.
- Conscious leadership. If you are dealing with someone in a position of authority, learning leadership styles that promote collaboration rather than imposition is crucial.
- psychological therapy It can be a very valuable tool to work on the underlying causes of Hubris syndrome and develop healthier social and emotional skills. And it is important to remember that it is a complex problem that requires a comprehensive approach.