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Friday, September 27, 2024

Gonzalo Bernardos warns of who would be harmed by the regulation of temporary rentals

The possible regulation of the temporary rentals in Spain it is generating debate since the Government announced in July its intention to address this issue through a Royal Decree. This proposal, which remains in public consultation until October 8, has provoked reactions in different sectors, and has been analyzed by experts, including the renowned economist Gonzalo Bernardoswhich has revealed who will be harmed if it goes ahead.

The Executive’s objective is to control the seasonal rental market, which has experienced notable growth in recent years, especially in urban and tourist areas. Currently, the Royal Decree proposed by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Agenda is in the public consultation phase, so Any citizen or entity can send comments and suggestions until October 8.

The regulation seeks to address situations of abuse in the temporary rental market, a type of rental that has gained popularity due to its flexibility and its ability to attract tourists, students and workers who need housing for short periods of time. However, according to Bernardos, The proposed measures could have negative side effects.

Gonzalo Bernardos warns of who would be harmed by the regulation of temporary rentals

The economics professor and specialist in the real estate sector has warned, through his interventions on television and social networks, about who would be the main victims if the decree goes ahead as planned. According to Bernardos, Two groups will be the most affected: middle class homeowners and students.

First of all, the measure will affect small owners who, according to the economist, They depend on these types of leases as an additional source of income. In this sense, the majority of tenants are middle class, so they will lose an important opportunity to make their properties profitable.

However, the most affected group, in the economist’s opinion, will be students. Bernardos maintains that many landlords will choose not to rent to students, since they will be considered high-risk tenants compared to families or people looking for a long term.

Although Bernardos identifies the owners and students as the biggest losers, he also mentions that there are clear beneficiaries of this regulation. Specifically, the investment funds that operate in the student residences market will be favoredsince the demand for places in its facilities could increase. .

This phenomenon could intensify the control of large companies in the student housing market, a sector that has grown in recent years with the expansion of residences managed by investment funds and multinationals.

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