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Wednesday, October 2, 2024

FBI releases OJ Simpson files that have been secret for decades

FBI releases OJ Simpson files that have been secret for decades

New never seen before FBI files on OJ Simpson have revealed the extensive information and efforts that were made to collect evidence in the infamous case. 

Simpson was cleared of murder charges of of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ronald Goldman in 1995, following a high profile trail which captured the nation’s attention.

He was later found civilly liable and ordered to pay the victims’ families $33.5 million. He maintained his innocence until his death in April aged 76.

A new 790-page document released this week shows the lengths the FBI went to collect evidence on the former star, including tracking his infamous Bruno Magli shoes. 

A handwritten document from August 1994 shows that the Los Angeles Police Department had collected multiple cloth swatches as well as car fibers from a white Ford Bronco at the time. 

Debris from Nicole’s dress, debris from a bag containing Goldman’s shirt, debris from a cap and socks from OJ’s residence as well as hair samples from the victims’ head, arms and eyes were also taken in as evidence by cops, according to another document from September 1994. 

After thorough examination, results indicted: ‘These hairs/fragments exhibit the same microscopic characteristics as hairs found in the K7 specimen and, accordingly, could have originated from ORENTHAL J. SIMPSON, the identified source of the K7 hairs.

‘No other hairs like specimen K7 were found on or in items submitted from the victims, crime scene and glove recovered outside the O.J. SIMPSON residence.

‘A light brown Caucasian head hair that is microscopically dissimilar to those found in specimens Kl and K4 was found in the Q3 debris. This hair could not be associated to RONALD GOLDMAN or NICOLE SIMPSON.’ 

Officials also collected 

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