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Do dogs prevent us from having more children? “They are part of our family structure and are not here to replace anyone”

Among the argumentative fallacies, the so-called post hoc ergo propter hoc suggests that if one event happens after another, the second is necessarily a consequence of the first. A clear example of this fallacy is assuming that the increase in dogs in Spanish homes is the reason for the low birth rate. However, there is no such direct relationship.

It is true that there are more and more dogs in Spainand Their number already exceeds that of children under 14 years of ageso this statistic has fueled the erroneous perception that animals companies are responsible for the decrease in births. Jaume Fatjó, director of the Affinity Foundation ‘Animals and Health’ Chair of the Autonomous University of Barcelonadebunks this myth: “Dogs do not seem to be an active barrier to having children.” According to the most recent data, In more than two million homes in Spain they live together children and animalswhich shows that having a dog does not interfere with the decision to have offspring.

Do dogs prevent us from having more children? “They are part of our family structure and are not here to replace anyone”

A symbiotic, non-competitive relationship

Coinciding with World Animal Day, the Affinity Foundationbased on studies and statistics nationals, insists that living with animals should not be seen as an alternative to having children, but as a way to expand the concept of family. In 2023, it was estimated that there were 7 million dogs in Spain, while the number of children under 14 years of age was 6 million. For Fatjó, this coexistence happens naturally: “The dog is here to stay. They are part of our family structure and are not here to replace anyone.. They are members of the household with their own identity and value.”

The director of the Chair emphasizes that this relationship is not something modern or temporary, but fruit of thousands of years of coevolution. And although some households decide not to have children, dogs do not play a role in this decision: many find in them emotional support and a source of well-being, which strengthens their role in the family without competing with motherhood or fatherhood.

Campaign to break prejudices

The campaign launched by the Affinity Foundation in collaboration with the creative agency PutosModernos seeks to eliminate the prejudices that still persist around living with animals. Through an ironic and casual approach, it aims invite reflection and empathy towards both animals and the people who live with them. The campaign, visible in digital media and on public transport in Madrid and Barcelonaaims to increase tolerance and flexibility towards multispecies families.

Emotional support in a digital world

During a presentation made at the congress of the Canine Science Society in seattleUnited States, Jaume Fatjó highlighted the importance of the emotional support that dogs offer in a world where social networks Human resources have been reduced by digitalization and demographic changes. Dogs not only provide companionship, but Help people establish new relationships and strengthen existing ones.

In conversation with 20 minutesFatjó also wanted to emphasize that one of the pillars to improve coexistence between children and dogs is responsible education in both directions: “It is up to us adults to ensure that this relationship works well. On the one hand, it is essential to teach children how to communicate with dogs and understand their language; On the other hand, we must ensure that dogs behave appropriately, especially in public places.”

For Jaume Fatjó, the biggest prejudice in the false rivalry between children and dogs is believing that the presence of dogs is a passing fad or something of modernity, despite the fact that it is the first species domesticated more than 30,000 years ago and we have been together throughout our entire career.
For Jaume Fatjó, the biggest prejudice in the false rivalry between children and dogs is believing that the presence of dogs is a passing fad or something of modernity, despite the fact that it is the first species domesticated more than 30,000 years ago and we have been together throughout our entire career.

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