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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Civil guards see the error that caused the suspension of tests in the opposition this Sunday as unacceptable

Various associations of civil guards have criticized “unacceptable” and “nonsense” the error in the custody of the exams to access the body that are held this weekend, which has led to the suspension of tomorrow’s tests, and they have asked that the exams be carried out on a single day.

The national spokesperson for the Unified Association of Civil Guards (AUGC), Pedro Carmona, has regretted that this failure in the selection process has generated “a lot of uncertainty” among applicants who have invested “time and effort” to take the tests.

He has stressed that this association has been asking the General Directorate for years to carry out a single exam on the same day for everyone applicants, so that it is a “more guaranteeing and transparent” process.

This would also prevent interested parties from facing one exam more difficult than another depending on the day it is their turn, but according to Carmona the General Directorate has always refused.

This error, Carmona pointed out, has caused harm to those who were examined tomorrow and in many cases they have had to travel or reserve accommodation in another city, problems for which the association invites the injured to claim before the General Directorate of the Civil Guard.

Civil guards see the error that caused the suspension of tests in the opposition this Sunday as unacceptable

But it has also caused “insecurity” among those examined this Saturday, among those who have been sown “doubts” about a possible leak or manipulation of the exam.

Agustín Leal, national spokesperson for the majority association of civil guards, Jucil, has described the error as “nonsense” and has demanded that the General Directorate of the Civil Guard explain what happened.

For his part, Francisco Javier Benito, from the Spanish Association of Civil Guards (AEGC), explained that, according to the information they have received, what has happened is that someone opened this Saturday, by mistake, one of the boxes that contained Sunday’s exams. He agreed that this failure could have been avoided if a single exam had been carried out on the same day, which is also supported by this association.

At the AEGC they have received several complaints from civil guards, parents of affected applicants, who have conveyed to them the “uncertainty” they are now experiencing. those interested about the new exam datewhich has not yet been reported, in addition to the economic damages caused by the transfer and the hotels.

This weekend a total of 26,332 people, 31.6% of them women, took the exams to access one of the 2,721 places for the scale of corporals and guards of the Civil Guard that are offered this year. Half of the opponents are between 20 and 30 years old and the average age is 28.

In total, four tests are carried out – knowledge, physical, personal interview and medical examination – and this weekend was the first phase, in which Theoretical knowledge is evaluated through a test general, languages, spelling, psychotechnical and grammar of the applicants.

for thisand 19 headquarters have been establishedlocated in Alicante, Ávila, Baeza, Balearic Islands, Cádiz, Gijón, Granada, Las Palmas, León, Logroño, Madrid, Málaga, Mérida, Murcia, Seville, Tenerife, Valencia, Vigo and Zaragoza.

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