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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Bites, gold bars, Delcy arrests, releases… the 9 reasons why Feijóo demands Sánchez’s resignation

“Leave now”the leader of the PP has demanded, Alberto Núñez Feijóoto the President of the Government, Pedro Sanchezduring this Wednesday’s control session in Congress. This week the opposition has increased its political and judicial offensive against Moncloa and the PSOE in recent days after the publication of the report from the Central Operational Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard about the Koldo plot that reveals the possible mediation of Sánchez, referred to as “the 1”, in the rescue of Globalia, among other matters.

Feijóo has told the head of the Executive in parliamentary headquarters almost a dozen reasons why he should present a resignation which, he says, is already “bookish.” “He knew everything after three years and covered it up,” he reproached the president, who has avoided explaining his relationship with the case and has asked Feijóo not to talk to him “about covering up” cases of corruption, in reference to the condemns former minister Zaplana. After complain the PP against the PSOE for illegal financing, bribery and influence peddling related to the Koldo case, the popular They ask that Sánchez leave the Moncloa Palace and call early general elections.


The president of the PP has demanded that Sánchez resign from continuing in office due to alleged “bites”, in reference to an alleged plot of collection of illegal commissions in a series of public contracts for the purchasing masks in the pandemic. These awards, which would have occurred under Sánchez’s previous mandate, were signed with the company of the contractor Víctor de Aldama, by the Ministry of Transportation then directed by the former secretary of the socialist organization José Luis Ábalos, with Koldo García as advisor.

The UCO report revealed that Ábalos was aware of and exercised “a relevant role” in the alleged plot of purchase and sale of medical supplies and, on this matter, the popular accusations Hazte Oír and Iustitia Europa have already requested the judge of the National Court investigating the ‘Koldo case’ to call as a witness to the president of the Government.

“Delcy technical stops”

The meeting between the Vice President of Venezuela, Delcy Rodríguez, and José Luis Ábalos in Spain when she was prohibited from entering European territory in January 2020 has resurfaced after new information about the case became known. According to the UCO report cited, four days before the landing of Nicolás Maduro’s number two at Barajas Airport (Madrid), Ábalos informed Pedro Sánchez that he would meet with her and the president endorsed the meeting.

After learning this information, Moncloa has added a new response about the case, saying that Sánchez disavowed the meeting as soon as he realized his veto in the EU. But the popular ones maintain that the president “I knew everything” since that January before the pandemic. “He knew about Delcy and he lied,” Feijóo said to Sánchez.

“Gold bars”

In this same case of Delcy Rodríguez, the achiever Víctor de Aldama and the alleged sale and purchase of gold bars come into play. According to the UCO, at the end of 2019 the Venezuelan vice president and Aldama tried “issues linked to the purchase and sale of Venezuelan gold”. The Armed Institute found on Aldama’s computer a photograph of “a purchase and sale contract in which the National Development Fund of Venezuela offers 104 gold bars to Bancasa SA, worth 68,498,254.11 US dollars.”

And this is when the Government would be mentioned in the report: “Aldama would have viewed Delcy’s arrival in Spain as a trip of interest” for Transportessays the UCO, “although he would have particular interests in said visit.”

The rescue of Air Europa

The UCO report has tightened the siege around the Council of Ministers that in 2020 approved rescuing with 475 million euros to the airline Air Europa. Among other things, the intercepted messages reveal that José Luis Ábalos had a “role of responsibility” in his relationship with the plot, and that the former minister would have spoken with Pedro Sánchez – “the 1” – and with the Minister of Economy so that the Government will save the airline.

The Begoña Gómez case

The PP also demands Sánchez’s departure due to the investigation opened against his wife, Begoña Gómez, for corruption in business and influence peddling. The case refers to the two master’s degrees and the chair taught by the president’s wife at the Complutense University. According to the investigations, Gómez would have received the rector of this center, Joaquín Goyache, also accused, at the Moncloa before the chair was granted to Sánchez’s wife despite not having a degree.

Bites, gold bars, Delcy arrests, releases… the 9 reasons why Feijóo demands Sánchez’s resignation

In addition, Gómez’s relationship with the group of companies of Juan Carlos Barrabesalso investigated, who would have met with Pedro Sánchez’s wife on numerous occasions at the Moncloa Palace and, as he explained to Judge Peinado, on one occasion with the president.

“Ferraz’s bags”

The PP also calls for the resignation of the President of the Government for an alleged delivery of irregular cash to the Socialist Party. Specifically, they allude to the fact that an anonymous businessman claimed to have delivered up to 90,000 euros in bags of banknotes at the PSOE headquarters on Ferraz Street, according to “journalistic information.”


Another of the issues that mark the current political situation and that Feijóo wanted to reproach Sánchez is the legal reform approved last week unanimously in Congress by which the release or reduction of sentences to more than 40 ETA members. Although the PP, with its majority in the Senate, rejected the reform this Monday, the vote would have no effect and the law would be automatically published in the BOE.


The most common complaint, which the opposition has bluntly reminded the Government of today, is the approval of the amnesty law, published in the BOE in June of this year. The measure was born from the pacts of the PSOE with ERC and Junts in exchange for their support for Sánchez’s investiture and has made it possible amnesty many of those involved in sovereignty and independence mobilizations since 2011.


Feijóo has made reference, finally, to the “quotas”. It refers to tax agreement -or singular financing- signed between PSC and ERC within the framework of the negotiation for the investiture of Salvador Illa as President of the Generalitat. “Some elements that have to do with the Basque concert and the Navarrese agreement,” mentioned a month ago the first vice president of the Government and Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero. The PP considers this measure a “privilege” for Catalonia and, as he claims, it goes against the “equality” of the Spanish people.

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