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Monday, September 30, 2024

A woman dies after being attacked by a bull in the ‘bous al carrer’ of Enguera

A 60 year old woman She died this Sunday after being run over by a bull during the celebration of the ‘bous al carrer’ in the town of Enguera (Valencia), according to the newspaper The Provinces. The woman was crossing from one barrier to another in the facility when the animal caught up with her by surprise at high speed.

The woman was left lying on the ground and lost consciousness after the impact of the bull. The visual witnesses indicate that The victim was gored in the side, although he also suffered a severe blow to his head against the ground when he fell. The accident occurred at the moment of releasing the bull from the corral, which “is when it takes the most force,” the witnesses explain in the Levant.

Some of the participants in the bullfight came to help the woman and took her to a place out of danger, however, when the medical personnel arrived, They could only confirm his death.

A woman dies after being attacked by a bull in the ‘bous al carrer’ of Enguera

Some of the attendees have explained that the incident could have occurred due to carelessness on the part of the victim, who would have started to cross without taking into account that the animal was inside the square. “I was walking very slowly”says a source.

The town council has communicated the suspension of the orchestra scheduled for this Sunday night and the events of the Fifths, as well as the bullfighting events scheduled for this Sunday and Monday. In addition, the parade and mascletá scheduled for Monday are also suspended.

The mayor, Mati Marín, did not want to give details about the event to raise awareness among the neighbors, although she did assure that the entire town is in a “state of shock” after witnessing such an incident.

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