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Saturday, September 28, 2024

A university professor is escorted out of class after a student protest

A group of students has rebuked a professor at the UPV/EHU Faculty of Law on the Leioa campus. Man, faced with this situation, has been forced to leave the premises protected by security personnel from the university, as reported by the Department of Security.

The events took place around 12:40 p.m. this Friday, when the Ertzaintza has received a call from the Security staff of the Faculty of Law of the UPV/EHU due to the risk of incidents due to a concentration of students that had occurred inside the building. Whilethe students have rebuked and insulted the teacher who was teaching at that time.

Regional police officers have gone to the scene to provide cover for the faculty’s security personnel. Nevertheless, they have not intervened since the teacher has left class protected by security personnel and the protest has finally dissolved.

A university professor is escorted out of class after a student protest

Last Thursday Ernai broadcast a video on the social networkspraying red paint on the door of this professor’s office and they wrote the word “fascist” on the window glass. The footage was accompanied by a text in which the group accused the professor of spreading “classist, misogynistic, racist, LGBTIphobic and Spanish propaganda” on social networks and considered it “unacceptable” that the UPV/EHU “hires a person who tramples on human rights.” human beings and dignity.

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