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Thursday, October 17, 2024

a single model for everyone and more open questions

Galicia has already announced what they will be like university entrance tests (PAU) in the year 2025. selectivity —which until now was called AVAU— has undergone different changes to adapt to what is known as the Celàa Law (LOMLOE). The first thing is that it has unified its name throughout the Spanish territory, recovering its classic name and leaving behind the terms used until now (EBAU, EVAU…).

However, this has not been the only change. One of the most significant is that all Students will take the same exam model. In recent years, there were several alternatives to choose from, so many chose not to study some topics. However, now they will only have one option, forcing young people to learn the entire syllabus. Even so, you can select between different questions within the same exam.

a single model for everyone and more open questions

New structure and spelling errors

The structure of the exams will also undergo modifications. There will be three types of questions: closed, with short answers or test type; semi-constructed, which require somewhat more developed responses, and open, where students have to present their ideas. Another change is the obligation to take a second foreign language exam if the student takes four subjects in the voluntary phase.

Regarding the correction of the exams, Galicia will comply with the agreements of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE). This implies that grammatical and spelling mistakes may detract from up to 20% of the grade in the Spanish and Galician exams15% in foreign languages ​​and 10% in other subjects.

Change in exam format

The exams for subjects such as Spanish Language and Literature, History of Spain and English will have a format similar to the current one, but with some modifications. Furthermore, the questions They will no longer measure only the ability to memorize contentbut they will seek to evaluate skills such as critical analysis, problem solving and the practical application of knowledge.

According to Education, the test will have a structure, basic characteristics and minimum common correction criteria.

The Spanish and English Language exams will include a test of reading comprehension, written expression and writing, in addition to the literature part in the first one. In the History of Spain test, students will be asked to Identify and correct errors in a text, or that analyze historical data from a critical perspective. In History of Philosophy, you will propose writing an opinion article.

Consult the new PAU exam model

These are the PAU exam models for the core part, that is, Spanish Language, Galician Language, History, Philosophy and English. The rest of the subjects can be consulted at the page of the Interuniversity Commission of Galicia (CiUG).

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