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Friday, October 18, 2024

a free performance by Josep Carreras and Sara Baras and a solidarity menu at Middle Feast

This weekend Barcelona It has a great cultural offer prepared. The festival IndiFest will give voice to indigenous peoples through cinema and communication, while Josep Carreras and Sara Baras will perform for free on Passeig de Gràcia during the Closing concert of the Copa América de Vela.

La Puntual, the smallest theater in the city, will be filled with the International Puppet Festival to make us reflect on the adversities facing the planet and the Middle Feast It will bring Palestinian culture closer to the local culture with a beneficial purpose. Finally, the Bcn Coffee Awards They will give the gastronomic finishing touch to the weekend and offer the best specialty coffee.

Closing concert of the Cultural Regatta

The Sailing America’s Cup Cultural RegattaIn addition to being a sporting event, it also aims to serve as a space to show dynamism and creativity in the Catalan capital. Something that has already been done with the program of activities that Barcelona City Council has promoted to accompany the celebration of the competition, but that the closing concert will end.

The tenor Josep Carreras and the dancer Sara Baras will offer a performance that will fuse opera and dance in an iconic setting, the stately and famous Passeig de Gràcia. On Sunday, at 8 p.m., between València Street and Rosselló Street, the concert will be held with free and open access. Of course, seats will be placed to guarantee public comfort and good visibility.

Furthermore, this concert is also part of the Fundació Barcelona Promoció program for commemorate the bicentenary of Passeig de Gràcia and promises to turn the heart of the city into an open-air stage.

Section of Pg. de Gràcia between C. València and C. Rosselló; October 20; Free tickets; barcelona.cat/regatacultural

a free performance by Josep Carreras and Sara Baras and a solidarity menu at Middle Feast
Menu from the first edition of Middle Feast.

The Middle Feast brings Palestinian culture to Barcelona

The Middle Feast is a 100% charitable festival which offers various cultural expressions, such as gastronomy, art, design and music to merge cultures. This event seeks raise funds for different humanitarian conflicts and to do so it links the local culture with that of the place where the proceeds from the edition are destined.

On this occasion, the profits will go to UNRWA, the United Nations agency that supports the refugee population of palestine. The festival will last two days, and each of them will take place in a different location.

On Saturday the atmosphere will be festive. At Casa Montjuïc it will be projected Control Anatomy by Mahmoud Alhaj, there will be several performances poetry and live music. On Sunday, on the other hand, in the Hangar, a menu by chef Paula Sandoval based on fish recipes that have made the Gaza cuisine and that, in another style, are also part of the premises.

In the first edition, in December 2023, 4,000 euros were raised for the Now You See Me foundationdedicated to the refugees from the island of Lesvos, in Greece.

C. Vila i Vilà, 65 and C. Emilia Coranty, 16; October 19 and 20; Tickets from 12 euros; middlefeastbcn.com

BCN Coffee Awards 2022 edition.
BCN Coffee Awards 2022 edition.
BCN Coffee Awards

Different aromas and flavors at the BCN Coffee Awards

The coffee culture comes to life this weekend in the Catalan capital, where the warm aromas and flavors of all its varieties will create a unique experience for those who attend the BCN Coffe Awards. There will be expert-guided tastingsexciting competitions and different award-winning categories. In addition, there will also be baristas, conferences and workshops.

The purpose of the event, as its name indicates, is their prizes: best design, best service, best coffee shop, best vegan coffee… The winners will come from a online voting through their website.

Entry to the BCN Coffe Awards includes unlimited specialty coffee from more than 50 roasters in Spain and Europe; access to the premises and exhibition rooms and entry to the round tables and workshops. There will also be music, food, drinks and even activities for children and a space pet friendly.

C. Ferran Turné, 1-11; October 18, 19 and 20; Tickets from 13.54 euros; bcncoffeeawards.com

Puppet play 'Impossible?'
Puppet play ‘Impossible?’

Shadows and landscapes to give importance to the planet

Afroz Shah is dedicated to cleaning trash from the beaches and Julia Butterfly decides to settle in a tree to avoid being cut down. These two characters aim to make visible the importance of taking care of the planet in ¿Impossible?, an artistic show of shadows and landscapes that seeks to make viewers reflect on the importance of initiating a change starting with oneself.

The work is part of the Putxinel·lis International Festival, which will develop the representation in the smallest theater in Barcelona, ​​La Puntual. In this edition, the festival is focused on showing unconventional artistic creations that, hybridizing with other techniques, achieve personal, current results with an author’s seal.

C. de l’Allada-Vermell, 15; October 18, 19 and 20; Tickets from 10.31 euros; lapuntual.info

Barcelona Dibuixa 2024 poster.
Barcelona Dibuixa 2024 poster.

Opportunity to draw all over the city

Barcelona has turned the act of drawing into a citizen festival and this weekend he invites everyone to do it in different workshops organized around the city. Under the motto ‘Barcelona Draw’, the City Council offers various activities in which it encourages people to draw in workshops. Some of them dedicated to humor, others giving importance to emptiness, possible futures, travel, magic…

The festival is focused on all audiences, Although it may seem like a childish activity, the objective is to return the excitement of this activity to adults. To do this, it does so through more thoughtful proposals and inviting them to participate in more banal ones to slow down the revolutions. Even in the afternoon and evening of Saturday reserved activities with age limit +16, the rest are +5.

The workshops will take place in different spaces, such as museums, civic centers and even facilities of the Castell de Montjuïc.

Different points of Barcelona; October 19 and 20; Free tickets; barcelona.cat/barcelonadibuixa

Cinemes Girona in the XV edition of IndiFest.
Cinemes Girona in the XV edition of IndiFest.

IndiFest: the voice of indigenous peoples

The indigenous film festival, IndiFest, seeks this weekend give indigenous people their own voice and demand compliance with their internationally recognized rights. With cinema and communication as protagonists, they will bring different perspectives closer to citizens, problems, struggles and proposals for change with own voice.

On Friday, ‘Alternative Screen’ will be held, which will consist of the projection of two audiovisual creations about collaborative work between indigenous peoples and local organizations, and their respective colloquiums. In addition, the festival’s closing party will also be held, where the IndiFest Awards will be presented and there will be live music.

In this edition, the selection of films in question addresses the ancestral intelligences such as indigenous knowledge and practices in the face of the global challenges of the present and the future. They are intelligences, in plural, because they are collective and diverse, and ancestral because they grow from the roots of the earth, they are a relationship of experiences and knowledge that is updated and reaffirmed.

Different points of Barcelona; Until October 18; Tickets from 0 euros; indifest.org

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