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Begoña Gómez inaugurates this Tuesday an event for the master’s degree in fundraising at the Complutense University that she co-directs

Begoña Gómez This Tuesday, October 1, an event for the master’s degree in fundraising management at the Complutense University will inaugurate of Madrid (UCM) where experts, opinion leaders and representatives of NGOs will meet “to analyze the role of Generation Z in the future of the third sector and its capacity to promote social change.”

Gómez is co-director of the Master of continuing education in Public and Private Fundraising Management in Non-Profit Organizations from the Complutense University of Madrid. The event that will open in collaboration with the Spanish Fundraising Association (AEFr) will be held at the CaixaForum in Madrid.

As reported by the UCM in a statement, at the event, scheduled for 4:30 p.m., The report ‘The relationship of Generation Z with the Third Sector will be presented‘, promoted by the Thinkforsocial initiative, which “analyzes the gap between the type of commitment that NGOs demand and that assumed by young people.”

Begoña Gómez inaugurates this Tuesday an event for the master’s degree in fundraising at the Complutense University that she co-directs

From the academic institution they also point out that this forum is the prelude to the 12th edition of the master’s degree co-directed by the president’s wife of the Government and, which, as they defend, “trains professionals in innovative fundraising strategies.”

The UCM did not renew its other chair

However, the UCM announced in early September the non-renewal of the extraordinary chair for Social Transformation Competitive that Begoña Gómez co-directed, confirmed sources related to said master’s degree.

The Complutense University was in charge of communicating the decision to the two entities that sponsored the chair, Reale Seguros and Fundación La Caixa, without delving into the reasons. The truth is that the agreement by which it was created, signed on October 30, 2020, was valid for four years, so – unless renewed – it expired next month.

Begoña Gómez, in an archive image.

The UCM decision came in the context of research carried out by the head of the Court of Instruction Number 41 of Madrid, Juan Carlos Peinadoagainst Begoña Gómez for alleged crimes of influence peddling and business corruption; the rector of the Madrid university, Joaquín Goyache; and the businessman Juan Carlos Barrabés, among others.

Precisely, one of the facts being investigated is If there was favorable treatment in the creation of the aforementioned chair and in the decision to place Gómez as co-director.

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