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Monday, September 30, 2024

Death toll rises to 193 due to the worst rains in more than half a century in Nepal

The Nepalese authorities raised this Monday The death toll from the severe rains that hit much of the country in recent days has risen to 193. Nepal, causing floods and landslides, while search and rescue operations continue to find more than thirty people who remain missing.

Added to this are 96 injured people, According to the latest report from the Nepalese Police published this Monday, due to the intense rainfall that the country of Himalayas in the last four days, and which were especially strong in the Kathmandu Valley.

Armed Police Deputy Inspector General Kumar Neupane said more than 10,000 security forces personnel participate in search operations, as well as in the removal of debris and mud, which has caused the cutting of the main roads that connect with Kathmandu.

“Security personnel have managed to open a route to traffic to connect with the capital,” dNeupane said, adding that it could take weeks to clear all the debris that has blocked the roads.

Kathmandu obstruction

This obstruction that Kathmandu experiences Since last Friday it has caused an increase in food prices.

The Nepalese capital was one of the areas most affected by rainfall, and on Saturday the highest level of rainfall since 1970 was recorded, which caused rivers to overflow and the flooding of entire neighborhoods.

Death toll rises to 193 due to the worst rains in more than half a century in Nepal
A car buried in the mud in Kathmandu.
Associated Press/LaPresse

Furthermore, he specified that 1,327 houses have been damaged, which has left thousands of people displaced, while 19 bridges have collapsed.

The officer added that 31 people are missingand did not rule out that the death toll will rise as the waters recede and rescue teams manage to remove all the debris.

Schools remain closed

Although the situation has improved this Monday, with no new rains, the schools remain closed for the second consecutive day.

However, normality gradually returned to the streets in Kathmandu, where Most businesses opened their doors today. and the sidewalks were filled with pedestrians.

Nepal Meteorological Department no new rainfall expected in the next three days.

This rainy episode is attributed to monsoon season in Nepal, which normally begins in mid-June and ends at the end of September, although This year it will last until the first week of October. A low pressure system over the Bay of Bengal caused prolonged rains this year.

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