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on the edge of a reservoir and surrounded by a spectacular wall

In Spain there are approximately 3,000 towns that are abandoned and in which a person has not lived in some of their houses for years. Many of them have a desolate appearance, although some of them are still preserving its old charm and they are true rural wonders through which you can wander. A clear example of this is in Cáceres, where there is a town that remains almost intact even though no one lives in it.

The old manor of Granadilla It was one of the most important population centers in the Trasierra – Tierras de Granadilla region, but it has been uninhabited for decades. Of course, just because no one lives there does not mean that it has been victim of the passage of time, since it has remained practically intact for years thanks to student work, which makes it a mandatory stop if you travel through the province of Cáceres.

on the edge of a reservoir and surrounded by a spectacular wall

The history of Granadilla and what to see in the town

Town of Granadilla.
Town of Granadilla.
Rosa Maria Ternero Ramirez / Flickr

The origins of Granadilla date back to the time of Arab occupation of the Iberian Peninsula. The Muslims erected a military fortress right on the border with the kingdoms of Castile, León and Portugal, so the strategic importance of the fort was enormous. With the Reconquista it passed into Christian hands, who built its castle and ‘Christianized’ the walled area. So it remained until the 60’s of the 20th century, when all the neighbors were forced to leave their homes.

The already few inhabitants of Granadilla had to abandon their homes in the early 60s due to a Franco decree by which the local lands were expropriated in order to build what would be the current Gabriel y Galán reservoir, leaving the town uninhabited forever… until the students came to the rescue.

Gabriel y Galán Reservoir from the tower of Granadilla Castle, in Cáceres.
Gabriel y Galán Reservoir from the tower of Granadilla Castle (Cáceres).

In the 1980s, Granadilla was included in a government program for students from numerous schools and institutes to help restore the manor, something they have been doing since then and which has allowed remains intact. The first thing that catches your attention about this spectacular enclave is its monumental oval wall, Built in the 9th century using mortar and slate, although behind its two semicircular arch doors there are many other treasures.

Tarifa promenade in Cádiz with a lot of kitesurfing in the background.

Right next to the Villa Gate the castle is erected, Built in the 15th century with granite ashlar masonry and with a very peculiar style: it has a square central tower and four smaller semicircular turrets on the sides. It has four heights and is one of the main Granadilla tourist attractions, although you cannot miss visiting the Plaza Mayor, the Casa de las Conchas or the church, which was the only building not expropriated.

How to get to Granadilla

In order to get to know this incredible manor, you have to take the La Plata Highway (E-803) from Salamanca and take exit 442 towards Zarza de Granadilla, where there is a detour that takes you directly to this beautiful abandoned town that can be visit from Tuesday to Sunday. The hours are from 10:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 20:00 (between the months of November and March it closes at 18:00).

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