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Monday, September 30, 2024

Lebanon’s prime minister recognizes that “there is no option but diplomacy” to end the conflict

The prime minister of LebanonNayib Mikati, has asserted that “There is no option but diplomacy” as a solution to the conflict between Israel and the Lebanese Shiite militia party Hezbollahafter the Israeli attacks have already left more than a thousand dead in just fifteen days, including the leader of the Islamist militia, Hasan Nasrallah.

“We will not hesitate for a moment to play the diplomatic and We have no choice but diplomacy“, Mikati said during a televised speech after an emergency meeting of his cabinet, according to the television network. Al Manarwhich has ties to Hezbollah.

Lebanon’s prime minister recognizes that “there is no option but diplomacy” to end the conflict

Likewise, Mikati has highlighted that the recent intensification of Israeli attacks could have forced up to a million people flee their homes towards other, safer areas of Lebanon, causing what could be the worst displaced persons crisis in the country’s history.

Hezbollah has been bombing northern Israel for almost a year in solidarity with Gaza and has caused several deaths and the evacuation of thousands of people. Israel has responded to these attacks and since the middle of the month intensified its operation against the Lebanese militia with a series of bombings against Beirut that have claimed the lives of Nasrallah and a large part of Hezbollah’s leadership.

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