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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Regional presidents show Sánchez their rejection of the Catalan quota and the PP celebrates the position of the socialist Barbón

For the second Friday in a row, Pedro Sanchez has received regional presidents at La Moncloa and once again, his guests have shown their opposition to the call Catalan quotawith the news that one of them, the president of the Principality of Asturias, He is from his own party, the PSOE.

The Asturian Adrian Barbonone of the four remaining socialist barons in Spain, He did not hide his rejection of the central government transfers to Catalan secessionism in exchange for his support for Salvador Illa as president of the Generalitat.

The socialist president of the Principality said that he is not going to “support anything that harms the interests of Asturias”, and opted to address the reform of the regional financing system multilaterally in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF).

Barbón conveyed to Sánchez his suspicion that Catalonia leave the common regime, although he was expectant of the details that may emerge from this tax agreement with ERC.

The Asturian president has urged the central government to make a proposal to reform the regional financing model and, from there, address it jointly in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council.

Regional presidents show Sánchez their rejection of the Catalan quota and the PP celebrates the position of the socialist Barbón

Before Barbón, the presidents of Cantabria and La Rioja interviewed Sánchez, María José Sáenz de Buruaga and Gonzalo Capellanboth from the Popular Party. Like their Andalusian and Galician counterparts last week, they showed Sánchez this Friday their total rejection of singular financing for Catalonia.

Sáenz de Buruaga demanded that Sánchez withdraw the economic agreement for Catalonia, alerting him of the “decrease in resources” for the rest of the common regime territories. “We all lose”, he insisted.

Chaplain, for his part, once again made his position clear against the possible Catalan quota and has reiterated that “will never accept an agreement that undermines the interests of the people of Rioja”.

The Rioja president said that his position is “clear”, and is none other than to oppose “any agreement that withdraw resources from La Rioja because, furthermore, they are very necessary.

These statements align with what was said seven days ago by the barons of the PP Juanma Moreno (Andalusia) and Alfonso Rueda (Galicia). Both staged their disagreement with Pedro Sánchez’s positions after meeting him in Moncloa, and sent the head of the Executive a warning: Financing will only be negotiated en bloc.

The PP applauds Barbón

Once Adrián Barbón expressed his opposition to the Catalan quota, from the Popular Party They did not take long to show their satisfaction and they did not hide praise for the Asturian president.

Specifically, he was the spokesperson for the PP in Congress, Miguel Telladowho said that Barbón “has done the right thing” by defending the interests of Asturians. However, he regretted that Sánchez had “sold equality to the Spanish”referring to the amnesty law and the financing commitment for Catalonia.

The popular spokesperson added that “the equality of Spaniards cannot be a bargaining chip for Sánchez to get his way” and accused Sánchez of encouraging “there are first-class Spaniards and second-class Spaniards.”

Tellado said that “autonomous financing is an issue that affects everyone” and must be dealt with multilaterally in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF). “Sanchez has tried to break the unity calling each regional president one by one,” he criticized.

The popular spokesperson recalled that “autonomous financing affects everyone” and must be agreed upon and respected equally. “That is going to be our position and that of the regional presidents of the Popular Party,” he concluded.

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