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When will students learn about the new selectivity? The universities set a date

Universities trust that second-year students Baccalaureate Get to know the new exam models before Christmas of the entrance test university (PAU). This control will contemplate a single exercise model for each subject and the level of competencies will gain weight.

The Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities (CRUE) is expected to meet next week to ratify the proposal that has been agreed upon in recent days in Bilbao by the vice-chancellors of the universities in collaboration with the coordinators of this test of the autonomous communities. University sources who have participated in the aforementioned meetings, which ended this Friday, have indicated that the “The idea is to clarify the exam models as soon as possible. and can be published before Christmas.

The aforementioned sources, however, have maintained caution regarding the proposal that has been submitted to the CRUE Governing Board, which will have to approve the minimum criteria that all communities must meet. Furthermore, they have recalled that regional regulations are different and “the panorama is complex” because the final document must “fit” into them.

20% questions

Even so, what has already been made clear is that the spirit of the PAU royal decree approved by the Government in June “is maintained” so that there are a minimum of 20% of questions of a competency nature. The aim is to ensure that students do not leave part of the syllabus without looking at what the option is more limited, they affect. In this way, the issues raised in the new selectivity They will cover almost the entire topic. After several days of meetings, this proposal has been raised to the highest body of the CRUE so that the university entrance test, which according to the law will be called PAU pBut each autonomy can baptize with another formula, be as homogeneous as possible.

When will students learn about the new selectivity? The universities set a date

Once this model is approved by the Governing Board of the Universities, it will be the subject commissions of the regional governments that must prepare the repertoire of exams. Models that must be sent to non-university educational centers already agreed upon by the institutes along with the exam calendar.

In the environment of the teaching community there was nervousness due to the lack of real knowledge of said test and at the university level there were complaints about the application of a royal decree that was approved in June, just 3 months before the start of the school year. The new PAU contemplates a single exercise model for each subject, although it will allow you to choose between several questions or tasks. “There will be optionality by blocks,” the sources consulted have stressed.

The exercises for each subject will be structured into different sections, which, in turn, They may contain one or more questions or tasks, which will not imply in any case a decrease in the number of competencies evaluated, as stated in the decree. Sources from the Ministry of Education have given as an example that to respond to the subject of mathematics, a text could be included that included questions related to this subject, in order to evaluate competence.

The Royal Decree

The royal decree already indicated that the exercises will be contextualized in artistic, scientific, humanistic and technological environments, although preferably in environments close to the students’ lives. It also indicated that Each exercise will last ninety minutes and students with specific educational support needs will have the right to have more time.

Between consecutive exercises there will be a minimum rest of thirty minutes. The second year Baccalaureate students who take this test will be examined in four subjects (Language and Literature II, Foreign Language II, the specific compulsory subject of the modality taken and History of Spain or Philosophy), in the case of communities without a co-official language.

In autonomies with more than one official language, students will also take the Co-Official Language and Literature II exam (five subjects in total). The university entrance grade is calculated by adding the 60% of the average Baccalaureate grade and 40% of the entrance test grade.

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