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Friday, September 27, 2024

The presidents of Cantabria and La Rioja convey to Sánchez their total rejection of the Catalan quota: “We all lose”

The presidents of Cantabria and La Rioja, María José Sáenz de Buruaga and Gonzalo Capellanrespectively, have transferred this Friday the head of the Executive, Pedro Sanchezhis total rejection of singular financing for Catalonia, since would mean a “waste of resources” that would directly affect the rest of the autonomous communities.

This is how Sáenz de Buruaga and Capellán, both from the PP, explained it in the press conferences they held at the Moncloa. after meeting with Sánchezwithin the round of meetings with regional leaders that the President of the Government has been holding since last week.

On the one hand, the head of the Cantabrian Executive has demanded that Sánchez withdraw the economic agreement for Catalonia, alerting him of the “decrease in resources” for the rest of the common regime territories. “We all lose”Buruaga repeated several times during the press conference.

As other regional presidents of the PP have already done, Buruaga has expressly demanded that Sánchez withdraw the Catalan quota, which he defines as “separatist concert” and that “nip in the bud any progress towards the fiscal independence of Catalonia.”

“Catalonia cannot leave the common financing regime,” proclaimed the president of Cantabria, for whom this singular financing “attacks equality and solidarity.” From his point of view, the tax agreement between PSC and ERC “is deeply unfair and creates clear discrimination between first and second class citizens.

After warning of a “decrease in resources” for the rest of the communities, Buruaga has warned that this deficit that the Catalan quota would represent, which he has estimated at 600 million euros for Cantabriacan only be balanced by increasing debt, cutting investment or raising taxes, “no matter how many milongas they tell us.”

“Any of the three options has a very clear reading, we all lose and I I refuse to let the Cantabrians pay the bills of the President of the Government or Mr. (Salvador) Illa with a single euro“, he added.

The presidents of Cantabria and La Rioja convey to Sánchez their total rejection of the Catalan quota: “We all lose”

As he has warned, the deficit that the Catalan quota would mean for Cantabria would mean “failing to comply with obligations and even lock the community“: “We will do everything in our power so that the regional financing model is not decided by the separatists.”

And as all the presidents of the PP agreed, Buruaga has once again demanded the multilaterality in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council (CPFF) to address the reform of the autonomous financing system among all the territories of the State governed by the common regime.

For his part, the president of the Government of La Rioja, who met with Sánchez after Sáenz de Buruaga, has once again made his position clear against the possible Catalan quota and has reiterated that “will never accept an agreement that undermines the interests of the people of Rioja”.

Although he highlighted this issue, it was not discussed in this morning’s meeting with the President of the Government, he wanted to highlight that his position is “clear”, and that is to oppose “any agreement that withdraws resources from La Rioja because, in addition, They are very necessary“.

Furthermore, like the Cantabrian president, she has defended that the common issues that affect all communities “should be discussed in the Fiscal and Financial Policy Council or in the Conference of Presidents”.

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