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Friday, September 27, 2024

decalogue to avoid food waste

It has happened to all of us on some occasion when opening the refrigerator that we have found a black banana, a lemon with green mold or a lettuce with spots brown or black. In most cases, this situation is resolved by throwing the current product in the trash.

This action, which may be common, represents, however, a food waste that we can not only question ourselves from the point of view of ethics and sustainability: it also means a significant break in our personal economy if it is a common practice in our home.

According to the last food waste report published by the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Foodevery year more than 1,200 million kilos of food end up in garbage bags of Spanish households, which represents an average of 23.11 million kilos per week.

decalogue to avoid food waste

And, as the same document reflects, only 29.2% of Spanish households do not waste foodThat is to say: only one in three can boast of taking advantage of all the food they buy. The products that are wasted the most are the fresh ones, highlighting the fruits, vegetables and dairy products.

In an attempt to raise awareness among the population about what food waste entails, this Sunday, September 29, the International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day.

Below is a series of tips compiled by 20 minutes from sources such as the Ministry of Agriculture and consumer organizations, such as the OCU, to try to get citizens to increasingly reduce this bad practice.

Make your menu, adjust portions, take advantage of leftovers…

– Plan your menu every week. Knowing what you are going to cook is essential to plan your purchase and acquire the necessary ingredients. This way, you will optimize your purchase and only purchase what is necessary to cook the menu you have planned.

-Buy responsibly. When you have planned your weekly menu, check your pantry and refrigerator and make a shopping list according to your needs. Don’t buy products you already have.

-Bet on seasonal products. Purchasing fruits and vegetables in season helps us minimize waste because these products are at their best and are most palatable.

-Preserve food well. If you have leftover food or food, try to preserve it well in a suitable container or packaging. This way you can keep all its freshness for longer and it won’t end up in the trash can at the first opportunity.

-Pay attention to expiration dates. Check the labels and expiration dates of each product and store it where indicated and for the days recommended.

-Consume in order of entry. To make this task easier for you, place the products with the longest date at the back of the pantry or refrigerator and the first ones that need to be consumed, in the first row.

-Adjust the portions. Try to cook only what you need to avoid leftovers or overcooking. It is advisable to serve portions adapted to age and current appetite.

-Take advantage of leftovers. If in the end you have calculated wrong, you can always take advantage of the leftovers to eat the same meal again or invent a new recipe by adding an additional ingredient.

-Freeze if necessary. If you have leftover food and you see that you are not going to consume it in the next few days, freezing it is an option if it is feasible. In this sense, meat dishes, stews or vegetable creams are easy to freeze.

-If you eat out, order only what you need. If you don’t have much of an appetite, ask for reduced portions. If you still have food left over, ask the restaurant to give you the leftovers to take home.

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