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Friday, October 25, 2024

A “life” without independent judges – El Financiero

A “life” without independent judges – El Financiero

Just a glass of water

Can you imagine a Mexico where the law does not work, at any time of the day? I am not talking about whether justice is efficient or not in our country (we all know that impunity is 98 percent and is largely due to the bad actions of the prosecutor’s offices), I am talking about that justice should be a option for any ordinary Mexican, but also for victims of crimes and abuses, and for companies that invest their money and do business in our country.

A life without independent judges is what the ‘4T’ wants for Mexico. There will be no law in force, because there will be no one who can exercise it, interpret it, demand it, defend it.

Because raffles for the position of judge, magistrate or minister, whether woman or man, will cause people to arrive who have not made public service specialized in justice their life.

Women and men will arrive without knowledge of the laws, their application and their correct defense, since the requirement of the ‘4T’ and its reform-revenge is: academic average of 8 and five letters of recommendation from neighbors, which caused laughter at Harvard. But we would have to go a little deeper into that reaction. It gives the impression that it was a smile of fear, of uncertainty, of absolute terror for the future of Mexico, because Harvard is the most respected law school in the United States. They will know something.

Inhale and exhale

Mexico is condemned to live a life without judges, because when the selection is by raffle, as if the future of Mexicans were a lottery, a game of chance, the results can be the same as the format: a game.

And with the lives of more than 120 million Mexicans, no one should dare to play.

The synchronicity of coincidences is striking

Claudia Sheinbaum, although she confirmed her attendance at Concamin, did not arrive. Marcelo Ebrard missed the meeting with industrialists on Monday in Monterrey (it is now known that he was on vacation in Japan) and Altagracia Gómez did not arrive either. Meanwhile, the ‘4T’ promotes a reform that prohibits the SCJN from declaring any four-theist modification to the Constitution unconstitutional. The business community gets nervous; very. So, the magic trick is for Engineer Slim (the richest man in Mexico) to make the first courtesy visit to the National Palace with the President, led by Paco Cervantes, the president of the CCE.

The image with which they want to calm the fire is that of the engineer driving his Mercedes, with Cervantes as co-pilot, saying that many investments are coming to Mexico and that the country has a great future.

strong double

The question is: what will happen when engineer Slim cannot defend his concessions because the government woke up in a bad mood and wants to “democratize” the internet and prohibit Telmex or Telcel from charging for it?

But also what will happen when we crash our car and the insurance company (now that it is fashionable with Acapulco damages) refuses to pay for the damage? Or that the person responsible for the crash does not have insurance and we cannot sue him? Or how will you tell a family that loses a relative due to the negligence of a public transport driver that causes death and cannot be judged and, if appropriate, punished or required to repair the damage? Or how are minor children going to demand from their fathers or mothers the alimony that they are entitled to by right, because they are not capable of working for themselves?

Hold on, because this is your turn, hey!

Or how do you protect yourself so that the government does not want to imprison you for demonstrating or for defending a legitimate cause, such as justice and the division of powers?

another strong

That, that is a life without independent judges, in the Mexico that we live in today, at the end of 2024, in the welcome of the second floor of the fourth transformation.

Yes, a life without independent judges, which only guarantees a judicial career and not an election by popular vote.

I repeat, the problem of impunity, for example, initially arises with the prosecutor’s offices, yes, the prosecutors chosen by the governors.

Another example of a life without independent judges would be when, faced with an obviously regressive, disproportionate and unfair law, as is the case with many fiscal regulations, there is no judicial professional who declares it unconstitutional, with the argument that it is valid simply fact that it benefits the State to collect.

Another example: what would happen if someone was dispossessed of their house (their only asset and one that they had achieved with a lot of work and effort)? Who would they request to reclaim that asset?

Having read the above, the question for the bars and law firms is whether this seriously does not keep them awake at night, since the constitutional rule of law in Mexico is collapsing, since its strongest pillar, that of independent judiciary, today is in crisis on its way to annihilation.

Another very sensitive example occurs to me and I share it with you: to whom can people who are denied a vaccine or treatment for cancer go to? Or those older adults who, after giving their lives and health at work, are denied their pension and health services by the IMSS? Or that pregnant woman who was fired unjustifiably due to her pregnancy status? Or that same-sex couple who has been discriminated against solely because of their sexual orientation?

And those people who were victims of a crime and the prosecution has constantly revictimized them and, therefore, have not been able to obtain justice?

Well, thanks to the second floor of the ‘4T’, no one, but I also have news for you, for turning to the other side and not raising your voice you became accomplices!

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