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Friday, October 25, 2024

The actress and presenter Elisa Mouliaá claims to be a victim of Errejón and Cristina Fallarás uncovers four other new complaints

An anonymous testimony published three days ago on the social networks of journalist Cristina Fallarás has started a new MeToo in the world of politics, pointing to Sumar’s former spokesperson in Congress Íñigo Errejón of sexist violence. At least five more victims They have raised their voices encouraged by that first story and a few hours after Errejón announced his resignation from all his political positions and responsibilities.

As confirmed You will fail at 20 minutesin the last day he has received at least four more accusations against the leader on his Instagram profile, which has long served as a loudspeaker for hundreds of women who have been victims of sexual violence. “And there will be more,” he predicts. Shortly after, in fact, the actress and television collaborator Elisa Mouliaá came out of anonymity to denounce that she is also a victim of Errejón. “Hello, I am a victim of sexual harassment by Iñigo Errejon and I want to report it,” he stated on his X profile (the old Twitter).

The truth is that this is not the first time that the man who was also the founder of Podemos has been the target of sexual harassment complaints. Also using social networks as a reporting channel, In June 2023, a young woman reported in X a “very uncomfortable” situation with Íñigo Errejón which, according to him, “could be classified as sexist aggression.”

The actress and presenter Elisa Mouliaá claims to be a victim of Errejón and Cristina Fallarás uncovers four other new complaints

The woman, who explained what happened under a pseudonym, then said that Sumar’s former spokesperson had groped him insistently and ignored his complaints during a concert in Castellón de la Plana. “I was moving because I was dancing, but the hand was still there, and I wasn’t noticing the back of a hand either, I was noticing the palm and the fingers,” he explained in a Twitter thread that ended up going viral.

Although, unlike the cases uncovered by Fallarás, in this situation he was identified with names and surnames, The case ended without consequences of any kind for Errejónwho had then just been elected as the new deputy of the party led by Yolanda Díaz. One of the new accusations published by Fallarás goes along those lines, in which another testimony claims to have discovered that the political leader had sexually assaulted women “for years” and that, despite the fact that it was something that had been reported internally, on several occasions, “nothing was ever done.”

In the message that lit the fuse, the woman charges against Errejón, whom she accuses of being a “psychological abuser” and of “making numbers” when the women he has with sexual relations they refuse to carry out “humiliating practices.” “There are details that I prefer not to tell, but if a woman comes across him, I want her to know that she is not crazy, that he is a true psychopath and that his airs of a normal person hide a true monster,” he concludes.

Errejón has not explicitly referred to this letter, although in an extensive writing published on social networks to announce his resignation he has justified his actions by claiming to suffer a “toxic subjectivity that, in the case of men, patriarchy multiplies”. The leader thus closed what he says has been “the most important stage” of his life, after regretting not being able to continue maintaining the “contradiction” between “a neoliberal way of life and being spokesperson for a formation that defends a new, more just and humane.”

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