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Andalusian Wildcats Face Extinction! « Euro Weekly News

Andalusian Wildcats Face Extinction! « Euro Weekly News

Cry for Help: Andalusia’s Wildcat on the Brink of Extinction!

Credit: Shutterstock.

A cry for help: Andalusia’s elusive wildcats are on the brink of extinction!

Ecologists demand urgent action to save the vanishing feline from disappearing forever.

It’s a race against time to save the Andalusian Wildcat (“gato montés”), from the brink of extinction. Environmental group Ecologistas en Acción is calling out the Junta de Andalucía for dragging their feet while this elusive predator faces a rapid decline in numbers.

Wildcat woes: An urgent call for action

The group has formally requested that the Andalusian Council of Biodiversity include a hot topic in their next meeting – the dire situation of the wildcat. The local feline is a world away from your typical house cat, with thicker whiskers and a bushy, stubby tail. But its future looks bleak, and “Ecologistas en Acción” is sounding the alarm!

In a statement issued Friday, October 18, the ecologists laid out their demands, calling for a thorough review of the wildcat’s historical population trends, current numbers, and the urgent steps needed to stop the decline. They argue that several scientific studies, along with data from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (“Consejería de Sostenibilidad y Medio Ambiente”), paint a grim picture: the wildcat is in “serious decline,” possibly facing extinction across much of its former territory.

The wildcat’s downfall: Who’s to blame?

The reasons behind this sad news? A list of human-caused issues. Habitat changes, declining rabbit populations due to death, relentless hunting pressure, and tragic encounters with vehicles are all taking their toll. Wildcats are even drowning in irrigation ponds.

For Ecologistas en Acción, the real scandal is the authorities’ “shameful lack of action”. Apparently, despite being fully aware of the wildcat’s plight, the Consejería hasn’t lifted a finger to kickstart crucial studies on the cat’s distribution, numbers, and the level of danger it faces. And the clock is ticking.

Saving the stripes: What needs to be done?

The group insists that it’s high time for a scientific and technical review of the wildcat’s status before it’s too late. They want measures on the table, from legal protections to active conservation strategies, to turn the tide and secure a brighter future for this whiskered wonder.

Ecologistas en Acción is pushing for a debate to set out clear actions, hoping to see results in agreements at the Committee of Wild Flora and Fauna. The goal? To establish a Recovery Plan for the wildcat, which might include officially listing it as an endangered species.

A wildcat’s cry for survival

It’s a classic case of “too little, too late,” say the ecologists. Will Andalusia wake up to the wildcat’s SOS before it’s too late? Or will this magnificent predator slip away, leaving the hills and forests eerily silent? One thing’s for sure – the wildcat’s fate hangs in the balance, and the next move is up to the Junta de Andalucía.

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