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Monday, October 21, 2024

the risks and treatment of the dangerous injury suffered by Mario Vaquerizo

The singer Mario Vaquerizo He was hospitalized after falling off the stage on Saturday during a performance with his group, Nancys Rubias, at the Horteralia Festival. This Monday he was discharged from the hospitaland has told the press that he has suffered fractures in two vertebrae, four and six.

The serious risks of vertebral fractures

As indicated by the neurosurgery specialist Víctor Rodrigo Paradells on the website of the University of Navarra Clinicprecisely this kind of trauma of certain intensity They are the most common cause of vertebral fractures in people who do not suffer from osteoporosis or other conditions that weaken the bones.

In less serious cases, simply bone breakage occurs which can be addressed through conservative treatment, similar to that followed in other bone fractures. However, because the vertebrae house the spinal cord in the vertebral canal, neurological impairment can occur with varying degrees of severity.

the risks and treatment of the dangerous injury suffered by Mario Vaquerizo

According to the National Library of Medicine of the United States (MedlinePlus), spinal cord injuries can reach great severity and even cause loss of movement (paralysis), function or sensation below the site where they occur.

What are the symptoms and how to know if there is serious damage

Paradells stands out as the most frequent symptoms back or lumbar painthe inability to carry out normal activity and symptoms due to nerve involvement.

More specifically, MedlinePlus points out, the symptoms of injury to the spinal cordl (which is not the same as a vertebral fracture, but as we say can be associated with it) include:

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  • Unusual head position.
  • Numbness or tingling that spreads down the arm or leg.
  • Weakness.
  • Difficulty walking.
  • Paralysis (loss of movement) of arms and/or legs.
  • Loss of sphincter control.
  • Shock (cold, clammy skin, bluish lips and nails, dazed or semi-conscious appearance).
  • Loss of mental clarity (loss of consciousness).
  • Neck stiffness, headache, or neck pain.

How it is treated and first aid

It is important avoid moving to people who may suffer a spinal injury unless necessary (in cases such as car accidents to put them out of danger, or if it is necessary to perform cardiorespiratory maneuvers). Along these lines, you should not try to straighten the neck or allow the affected person to get up and walk. The person should also not be turned over unless there are signs of choking on blood or it is essential to check breathing.

Once the basic checks have been carried out, the next step is notify emergency medical services so they can care for the injured person.

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If the fracture is stable and the pain is controllable, treatment is usually conservative, based on oral medication, an orthosis (girdle) and rest. When the damage is more serious, various surgical procedureseither to restore bone or to tackle neurological damage.


Victor Rodrigo Paradells. Vertebral fractures. University of Navarra Clinic. Consulted online at https://www.cun.es/enfermedades-tratamientos/enfermedades/fracturas-vertebrales on October 21, 2024.

Medline Plus. Spinal injury. Consulted online at https://medlineplus.gov/spanish/ency/article/000029.htm on October 21, 2024.

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