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New York
Thursday, October 17, 2024

“I have learned to live with uncertainty”

Sara Carbonero He couldn’t help but get emotional during his speech at the ELLE Cancer Ball awards. In it, as he has recognized, has spoken “for the first time publicly” about his cancerr, who was diagnosed in 2019, when he was 35 years old.

“Cancer was a word that I didn’t like to refer to, because I believed that if I didn’t name it it wouldn’t be a reality. It has taken me a while to accept that this is a long-distance race and that I am going to be an oncology patient all my life.“, acknowledged the journalist, very excited.

I have learned to live with uncertainty, and also to embrace it“, he assured. “I have done a lot of personal work in this time and I have looked a lot inward. Cancer must be normalized, showing ourselves vulnerable is not bad, quite the opposite,” he emphasized.

“I have learned to live with uncertainty”

I want to send a message of hope, of encouragement, to all the people who are living with and accepting this cruel disease.. When I found the diagnosis, I stayed in shock. My head was full of whys. They recommended that I go to a psychologist. But what I needed was talk to women who had gone through the same thing and who, ten or fifteen years later, were still alive, strong…“, he said.

“I have learned that the power of love is the strongest. And this is where I want to remember all the people who have been by my side. They know who they are. I want to highlight my family, my friends, my doctors and my reason for being, who you can already imagine who they are,” he commented, referring to his children.

He has stopped at them, explaining experiences with them in these difficult years of treatment against the disease. “You can’t explain to him why his father spends a week in bed after a chemo session. And then after 21 days the same thing, and after 21 days the same thing… And why doesn’t her mother have the energy that her classmates’ mothers have,” Sara said, completely breaking down.

“My special love goes out to all those courageous mothers who will be able to see, like me, their children grow up,” the journalist expressed, and then made a plea for research into the disease.

“I am here thanks to medicine and love”Carbonero concluded, referring to those that “are no longer there.”

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