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Wednesday, October 16, 2024

“Sánchez comes out to defend himself, it must be for a reason”

“Sánchez comes out to defend himself, it must be for a reason”

The PP has ended up converting Congress this Wednesday into a monographic plenary session on corruption despite the refusal of the Table, which this Tuesday rejected the request of the majority group of the Chamber to reformulate the questions addressed to the Government due to the latest information about he Koldo case. However, as the opposition promised, Alberto Núñez Feijóo has taken advantage of his face to face with Pedro Sanchez to demand explanations about the recent UCO report and the alleged bags of cash that would have been handled at the PSOE headquarters during the pandemic. A line that each of the popular leaders have adopted in their turns to speak: “Sánchez comes out to defend himself, it must be for a reason.”

Feijóo has addressed Sánchez as the leaders of the corrupt plot allegedly did: as “number 1.” The popular has demanded the resignation of the president in the face of the “judicial agony” that lies ahead. “You have four judicial cases, 15 crimes investigated, 11 ministries involved, the third authority of the State, your party, your Government, your family… And you, aware of everything,” he reprimanded him, but not before emphasizing that Sánchez arrived to Moncloa in 2018 promising to end corruption. Likewise, he has asked him about his conversations, calls or meetings with Víctor de Aldama with whom Sánchez’s wife traveled to Saint Petersburg. “Sánchez has not responded,” recriminates Feijóo’s team.

What the opposition has achieved, after pressure from Podemos, is an apology on the platform from the president. Deputy Secretary Elías Bendodo has noticed this. “I don’t know if you have realized two things: the president has run away sooner than ever and, second, after many control sessions “The president has come out to defend himself, not attack, it must be for a reason.” Next, the popular has brought to light the newspaper archive of the Minister of Finance, María Jesús Montero, who in 2020 stated that “only the Ministry of Foreign Affairs had reliable knowledge that Delcy Rodríguez was heading to Spain on a stopover, at the time when that the flight was on its way.”

However, the recent report from the UCO of the Civil Guard reveals that the then Minister of Transport José Luis Ábalos informed the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, of Delcy’s visit four days before it took place. “Do you think that someone who lies has to resign?” Bendodo has reproached him, who has concluded that “Delcy’s suitcases are getting heavier and heavier” and the socialists are “more and more nervous.”

The general secretary, Cuca Gamarra, has focused on another branch of the plot, the one that is more related to former minister José Luis Ábalos as well as journalistic information that suggests that bags with thousands of money would have been exchanged at the headquarters. of Ferraz during the pandemic. “Commissions, seafood platters, free luxury chalets, lovers with a public salary and a paid apartment, bags of money entering Ferraz, gold bars, dealings with the Venezuelan dictatorship and the best friend of the Government and ‘the wife of one’ (Aldama) in preventive detention. To which Gamarra added: “What they do is collude with the corruption of their partners and conceal their own.”

He has also questioned the minister about her lack of knowledge about the bags of money that a businessman reported in The Objective and the PP has denounced it before the National Court. In fact, Gamarra has made fun of Montero’s “bad luck” since “Government that goes through, Government that is corrupted”, he said, remembering the case of the ERE of Andalusia.

However, the PP continues with its judicial and parliamentary offensive against the Government due to the investigations opened for corruption. Once the first dumps of the cell phones of those involved in the Koldo plot were known, the main opposition group promised lead the offensive against this “generalized scandal” of the PSOE. So much so that Alberto Núñez Feijóo convened his management committee in an extraordinary manner on Sunday morning, four days after the first information from the Civil Guard and the information that included an alleged statement from a businessman associated with Víctor de Aldama. who claims that he took 90,000 euros in cash to the PSOE headquarters.

The PP announced that it would file a complaint before the National Court against the PSOE for irregular financing, bribery and influence peddling. Also, it would seek to portray Sánchez’s partners urging them to a monographic debate on corruption. However, for the moment they rule out mobilizing the streets, summoning Sánchez to the investigative commission in the Senate and, above all, presenting a motion of censure against him. “Today we do not have the votes to change this Government,” the popular leader, Ana Alós, admitted this Tuesday from the national headquarters shortly after Junts left open the possibility of supporting a PP motion and even less so that it retracted it.

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