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These are the most lying zodiac signs in the horoscope

Lying is a form of communication that consists of saying something false with the purpose of deceiving or confusing someone. Although we have all resorted to lying at some point in our lives, there are people who do it more frequently and easily than others.

What does the horoscope have to do with this? Well, it turns out that the stars also influence our way of expressing ourselves and our honesty. According to astrology, there are some signs of zodiac who are more likely to lie than others, whether because of their personality, their element or their ruling planet.

These are the most lying zodiac signs in the horoscope

To create this rankingwe are based on the general characteristics of each sign and the opinions of astrology experts. However, it is important to remember that Each individual is unique, even among people of the same signand that various factors can influence the propensity to lie.


The king of the jungle is also the king of lies. I read them, with their strong pride and desire to be the center of attention, they do not hesitate to exaggerate or fabricate stories to impress others and maintain your image.

They often lie to feed your ego and hide weaknesses or errors. Their element, fire, gives them creativity and imagination, but it can also boost arrogance and egocentrism.



Geminis are very sociable and curious, and they love meeting new people and learning new things. However, their constant change and variability makes them show two facets or different personalities sometimes.

The tendency to lie among Geminis It manifests itself mainly when they search avoid boring situations or compromising, or to get what they want. Their element is air, which gives them a great capacity for communication, but also a tendency toward superficiality and opportunism.


The sign of scorpion is one of the most intense and mysterious of the zodiac Scorpios are very passionate and loyal, but also very distrustful and jealouss. This distrust leads them to keep their secrets and emotions hidden and they do not like to reveal their secrets or their feelings to anyone.

Scorpios lie mostly like a defense mechanism and to achieve your objectives. Their element is water, which gives them great intuition and sensitivity, but they can also show tendencies towards manipulation and resentment.


The Libra sign is known for its balance and diplomacy. Libras are usually kind and peaceful with everyone. However, they are also very indecisive and insecurewhich makes them avoid conflicts and confrontations.

Libras lie mostly to don’t hurt anyone and to keep the peace. Influenced by their element, air, they have a great capacity for reasoning, but also tendency to hypocrisy and complacency.


People born under this sign usually radiate joy and generosity, enjoying exploration and discovery. However, they are also very reckless and irresponsiblewhich makes them act without thinking about the consequences.

Sagittarians lie for fun and to escape routine.. Their element is fire, which gives them energy and an enthusiastic character, but also exaggeration.

There are some horoscope signs that are more liars than others, but that It doesn’t mean they are bad people. nor that they are not trustworthy people. Lying is a form of communication that has its advantages and disadvantages, depending largely on the intention and the situation. The important thing is to be aware of why we lie and how it affects others, and strive to be as sincere and honest as possibleboth with ourselves and with those around us.

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