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5 keys to understanding (and reducing) your carbon footprint

5 keys to understanding (and reducing) your carbon footprint

Awareness about our impact on the planet is increasing. Almost daily we hear about the importance of reducing our carbon footprint to take care of the environment. In fact, hundreds of countries have joined the commitment promoted by the United Nations (UN) to take measures to reach net zero emissions.

Our small gestures also have an impact in the fight against climate change. However, on many occasions We are not very clear about what we have to do or why.. This is a guide to get the basic concepts clear.

What is C02?

Carbon is a chemical element, but what is really referred to when talking about carbon footprint is carbon dioxideknown by its formulation: CO2.

It is about the biggest contributor to climate changesince it is one of the main greenhouse gases. This effect causes the earth’s temperature to rise, which has various consequences, such as the extinction of species.

And the carbon footprint?

This is the name given to the greenhouse gas emissions produced by humans with their activities. In the case of individuals, the main factors that determine it are their energy consumption, their diet, their leisure and their choices regarding mobility.

Knowing this data, both for large companies and at an individual level, is useful for making decisions. With this information you can plan a reduction and neutralization of the CO2 we produce and contribute to mitigating climate change.

CO2 is the largest contributor to climate change

How do I reduce my footprint?

By living in society we are already producing a carbon footprint. At a global level, a profound transformation is needed in the way we produce, consume and move.. As individuals, each of us can choose alternatives that reduce our impact on the environment. From using clean energy sources to opting to reduce meat consumption in the daily diet.

Also more sustainable forms of transport can be usedlike cycling or walking. All this without leaving aside other actions such as having responsible digital activity.

What is the Paris Agreement?

It is the main document signed by many countries to achieve a significant reduction of greenhouse gases. Its objective is to limit the increase in global temperature to 2ºC since the pre-industrial era.

There are also other types of agreements between states, cities, industries and other institutions by which commit to achieving net zero emissions. According to the United Nations, more than 70 countries, including major polluters (such as China, the United States and the European Union), have set the net zero target to cover around 76% of global emissions. More than 3,000 companies and financial institutions collaborate with the Science-Based Goals initiative to reduce their emissions, and more than 1,000 cities have joined the campaign Race to Zero for decarbonization.

Major transformation needed to reduce global footprint

With the increase in commitments, the number of criteria to evaluate them has also grown, with different levels of rigidity. To achieve more solid and clear rules, the UN Secretary General, António Guterres, created a High-Level Expert Group on Net Zero Emissions Commitments of non-state entities.

Are we going in the right direction?

The sum of individual efforts with the work of large corporations is bearing fruit. For example, Renewable energies are gaining ground as an alternative to fossil fuelsreaching record numbers in 2024. In addition, a few months ago the new Green Deal Industrial Planwhich aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. It includes incentives to adopt clean technologies and increase investment in green infrastructure.

This situation also has promoted the so-called climate innovationwhich is causing the emergence of numerous sustainable solutions, as well as new techniques for understanding climate change.

To take care of the planet it is important be aware of the carbon footprint we produce. Small gestures make big changes.

Other carbon footprints to take into account:

  • -The digital carbon footprint: Our online presence also has an impact on the environment. Although we do not see it as graphically as other types of pollution, sending unnecessary emails or storing them when we are not going to consult them again also has its effect on climate change.

    -The carbon footprint of the product: This is the name given to the total volume of CO2 and other greenhouse gases that a product emits throughout its entire life cycle. This includes its production, distribution, use and disposal.

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