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Monday, September 30, 2024

“We are aware of the suffering created… we ask for understanding”

The 5,028 opponents to the theoretical test of Information and Contents called by RTVEwhich offered 474 places for that category, were scheduled at 11:00 a.m. last Sunday in different faculties on the Somosaguas campus of the Complutense University of Madrid. There, they were going to face the evaluation test for which many had been studying for months. They couldn’t take the exam.

Minutes away from sitting at desks The disastrous news arrived: RTVE had decided to postpone the oppositions due to the suspicion of a leak of exam questions.

A member of the court belonging to the RTVE News department was the one who became aware the night before of the evidence that a leak could have occurredas reported by EFE from UGT sources of the public entity.

“We are aware of the suffering created… we ask for understanding”

On this Monday morning, hundreds of RTVE workers They demonstrated at the different headquarters of the public entity due to this situation, which also affected temporary workers and unemployed workers who had taken the exams.

At a given moment in the morning, and on a day in which Queen Letizia was visiting the RTVE headquarters in Prado del Rey, the interim president of the corporation, Cascajosa Conceptionapproached the protesters to ask for “understanding.”

“The decision to have to postpone… we are aware of the damage caused on many levels, we know the suffering created, but we ask for understanding because it was a decision that had to be taken to keep the process transparent and on equal terms“, the interim president told them, whose six-month term has already expired. Cascajosa decided to postpone the Board of Directors where it was necessary to decide who of the members of that Board would replace her in the position.

“You have every right to protest,” Cascajosa acknowledged to the protesters, whom he claimed to be listening to. “From the management level we are listening to you,” he told them, assuring them that the Employment Commission will meet this morning and hoping that “concrete measures and a new date for the exam come out“.

The interim president recognized the situation as “very serious” but he once again asked for understanding from some protesters who, after RTVE’s top leader left, began shouting “out with unions” (it should be noted that there are members of the unions on the Evaluation Committee, so they are also under suspicion), “we want a clean employment commission”, “no shenanigans”, “be responsible” or “Who was it, who was it?”

On the RTVE 24 Hours channel, where the president’s appearance was broadcast, some of the protesters took the floor, such as a young man who claimed that “The general feeling is one of absolute indignation, of great sadness, “We want answers to what is a very serious attack on our rights and an irreparable injury to our rights.”

Another, almost on the verge of tears, showed that all her efforts had been frustrated. “We have been left without vacations, without weddings, without care, without taking care of sick relatives. because we have organized our lives around an exam that has now been suspended.

If everyone agreed on something, it is asking “that there be compensation for people who have invested money and a lot of time studying, which is something irreparable.

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