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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Two arrested in Zaragoza in just over two hours for attacking their ex-partners

Agents of Local Police of Saragossa They arrested this Thursday two men for attacking their respective ex-partners in different areas of the city. The events took place in a period of just over two hours.

According to police sources, the first arrest occurred around 9:20 p.m. this Thursday in a bar located on Andrés Vicente Street in the Aragonese capital. A police patrol was requested by a health worker who was serving a woman inside the establishment who reported having been attacked by her ex-partner.

The agents appeared at the scene to investigate the events. After listening to the victim and several witnesses who were in the area, the authorities located the suspect, 67 years oldin a nearby location and proceeded to arrest him for an alleged crime of gender violence.

Two arrested in Zaragoza in just over two hours for attacking their ex-partners

A little more than two hours later, at 11:35 p.m., another police patrol responded to a phone call made by a woman to report that she was being held by her ex-partner inside a home located on San Antonio Abad Street. Upon arriving at the area, the agents proceeded to arrest the alleged aggressor, 34 years old, inside the home.

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