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Saturday, September 28, 2024

this is how the platform will work now

Use someone else’s account for free on platforms streaming It was the national sport of many countriesalso in Spain, until Netflix slammed the table and said it’s over.

The point is that The play didn’t go wrong at all. to this platform, and is even now testing new shared subscription formulasso other companies have decided to follow in their footsteps and apply this philosophy to their users around the world, including Spanish ones.

Disney+ is the latest platform to join this trend to take stricter measures to prevent multiple users from sharing the same account without paying for their respective subscriptions. And it was a chronicle of a death foretold: We knew since February that it was going to happen, since it has been giving notices to its clients.

The company has officially announced that will implement a system to identify and limit accounts used in multiple householdswith the aim of stopping unauthorized use of its services.

The decision comes at a key moment for the platform, which has been looking for ways to maximize your income after slowing growth in recent quarters. And in that search for greater revenue, Disney+ has also been imitating Netflix in other aspects, such as a more personalized algorithm to drive content recommendations based on subscriber taste.

this is how the platform will work now

The Netflix model, inspiration for Disney+

Netflixpioneer in the fight against shared accounts, hhas shown that a stricter control strategy can work. After limiting access to shared accounts in 2023, the company saw a significant increase in subscriptions from previously non-paying users, generating a new revenue stream. Now, Disney+ hopes to replicate this success by applying a similar policy on its platform.

These actions are part of a broader strategy to make users pay for the service they are using, which is expected to have a positive impact on your income.

Main streaming services in Spain

How will the new Disney+ payment policy work?

Although all the details have not yet been revealed, Disney+ has made it clear that The new measures will be aimed at those who share their account with people outside their household.

From the company they explain it like this:

“Your Disney+ subscription is intended for use within your home, which is a set of devices associated with your primary personal residence that is used by the people who reside there. But what about the people who don’t belong in your household? They will need to register and pay their own subscription or be added as additional members to your account for an additional monthly fee to continue enjoying Disney+.”

While Disney has not specified how exactly it will implement the restrictions, it is likely to use an IP and location detection system to identify if an account is being used in more than one household. This will allow the platform to limit access based on whether devices connected to an account are in different locations, a tactic similar to that adopted by Netflix.

How do you add someone outside of your household to your subscription and how much will it cost?

Those who share an account with someone outside their household you can add that person as ‘Additional Member’. At the moment, official prices have not been announced in Spain, but according to the company’s statement, in the United States this can be done by $6.99 per month for Disney+ Basic subscribers or by $9.99 For those who have Disney+ Premium, the option without advertising.

They also warn that “there is only one additional member space available per account.”

What will happen now with the profiles of others on shared accounts

With this announcement, many users are having the same doubts that already arose with Netflix when it made its big change on the platform: What happens if I go on a trip? What if I change to another cheaper subscription?

For those who shared Disney+ accounts and are not added as additional members, there is an alternative that allows you to retain viewing history and settings. According to the platform’s official statement, Users can transfer their profile to a new individual subscription —or be added to an account as an additional member, as we explained until now— without losing data.

This process ensures that users maintain their viewing history, lists, and personalized recommendations. However, not all profiles are transferable.. Main profiles, minor profiles and those configured in Junior mode cannot be moved, so it is essential that the account holder manages these changes correctly.

Will you be able to watch Disney+ outside your home?

Yes. Depending on the company, as an account holder or member of your household, you will still be able to access Disney+ when you are away from home or traveling. If you are using the platform on a device outside your usual location and you receive the message “This TV does not appear to be part of this account’s home”can Check the ‘I AM OUT OF HOME’ option to continue viewing content, a system similar to the one used by Netflix.

In case you have movedyou can also select ‘UPDATE HOME’ to reset your subscription location. Both actions will require an access code that will be sent to the email address associated with your account to verify the request and secure access.

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