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Sunday, September 29, 2024

The crimes that Ángel Cristo would face for spreading the photos of Bárbara Rey and Juan Carlos I: Jail? Will he get away with it?

Last Wednesday they came to light some photos that confirmed the alleged relationship between the king emeritus Juan Carlos I and Barbara Rey. The images were made public last Wednesday through a Dutch magazine.

In the snapshots, taken more than three decades ago, the monarch is shown kissing his former wife. Angel Christ in his house in Boadilla del Monte.

The person who shared the images is Ángel Cristo Jr, who, after several threats made to his mother, the former contestant of Survivors He finally kept his word and brought the documents to light. Since then, several unknowns have arisen, such as the real origin of the photos or whether there are more files of this type saved.

The crimes that Ángel Cristo would face for spreading the photos of Bárbara Rey and Juan Carlos I: Jail? Will he get away with it?

The star’s son sat this weekend on the set of Friday! to count all the details of his mother’s alleged blackmail of the emeritus kingwhich he claims was paid for with public money.

Beyond his words, the doubt that arises now is the legal consequences that spreading the photos could have for Christ. They have talked about it in two television programs, D Heart and Party.

As Euprepio Padula commented on the La 1 program, Christ “is well advised“. “They will probably have earned little by selling the exclusive to the Dutch magazine, because what interests him on an economic level is what is going to happen in Spain. If they have done it with this magazine it is because they know that there nothing will happen“.

“Here two fundamental rights compete, which are that of information with that of privacy,” stated Jorge Borrajo, director of Week. “In this case the information would winbecause it is a brutally relevant and informative fact. “They are evidence of alleged blackmail to the head of state,” he concluded.

In the Telecinco program, however, They have speculated on the possibility that Christ could even go to prison. According to this space, you could have incurred revelation of secrets with diffusiona crime for which he could face between one and five years in prison; also lucrative usewhich could increase the possible criminal sentence, with a sentence of between four and seven years.

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