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Sunday, September 29, 2024

“Labor and Government are going to reduce it”

The second vice president of the Government and Minister of Labor, Yolanda Diazwas shown this Sunday optimistic about reaching an agreement on the reduction of working hours, while ensuring that, if in the end this is not possible, the Government will act.

“We want agreements, yes, we work for the agreement, yes, the agreement is possible, always. Now, if there is no agreement the Ministry of Labor and the Government of Spain They are going to reduce the working day as we have done with the minimum wage interprofessional”, he pointed out in a debate held within the framework of the annual party of the PCE.

The vice president explained that she is optimistic about this because “public opinion has changed, political parties have moved and this measure serves to live better and, since it serves to live better, without a doubt, I think we are going to achieve it.” The objective of reducing the working day is “to live better” and it is the democratic debate par excellence, because it is about something key which is improve productivity and distribute it fairly, he indicated.

“Labor and Government are going to reduce it”

Productivity on the part of workers has increased above 15% in Spain and, however, in capital it has fallen 21 points, so it has to be a debate of equal distribution and “in a framework in which we have profits and business margins that are brutal,” he added.

“It is a democratic debate because it saves time in life, because we want to live better, because there are enough technologies, because we have lived life to live with dignitybecause we need to be, I think, fundamentally human, because we need to be able to have time to live and this is key,” he insisted. “we are going to win itDon’t have any doubt, the unions are doing it, to whom I, and more at the risk of being controversial, thank them and ask them to maintain the mobilization in an absolutely sustained manner, that it reaches every corner of our country. “, he pointed out.

In his opinion, you cannot go against what the people and the leader of the PP want, Alberto Núñez Feijóohas come to be placed in the centrality debate, because “simply They cannot be placed in front of their voters and it is the measure par excellence in all electoral sectors of our country, even voting for Voxwhich they want to be done”.

Political formations have to decide which side they are on and “that is why today the PPdistancing itself from the CEOE, is forced to roll up its sleeves and say that wants to talk about the reduction of working hours because it would be too expensive for him to place himself outside the walls of a debate that is timeless,” he stated. “Public opinion is in our favor and, when the wind is in the people’s favor, there is nothing to do but win this decision that is going to be key, but in addition, we are right to do it,” he added. In his opinion, it is the battle of the times because “It’s going to be a before and after in our country, but also because it opens up an imaginary future for the people of this country,” he concluded.

Unai Sordofor its part, has indicated that if there were no tripartite agreement with the employers, should be urged to the “progressive majority” for legislative action on the matter, although he has pointed out Together and to PNV as possible destabilizers of an agreement.

“Do you think that a person who votes for Junts or who votes for the PP, Sumar or PSOE does not view with sympathy something as common sense as the fact that the working day can be reduced taking into account everything that productivity has improved of companies and who has appropriated that productivity?” Sordo questioned.

Both Sordo and Díaz have emphasized digital disconnection, a right that must be regulated: “That you do not have any work consequences because your boss sends you an email or a Telegram or a WhatsApp saying that you have to do I don’t know what outside your work day“, stressed the Minister of Labor.

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