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Saturday, September 28, 2024

Feijóo proposes equalizing large and single-parent families and extending their permits up to 26 weeks

The president of the Popular Party, Alberto Núñez Feijóoannounced this Saturday that his party proposes equalizing paternity and maternity leave for single-parent families with those for large families, and that so they reach 26 weeks.

The head of the opposition made this announcement in Zaragoza on the occasion of the PP Affiliate Day in the region. Feijóo has presented this initiative framed in the open debate among the popular ones about conciliation and the low birth rate data in Spain.

Thus, Feijóo has promised increase the weeks of paternity and maternity leave for families with a single parent when he is President of the Government, in addition to committing to recognizing this type of family as large and increasing the tax deductions for having children up to 1,800 euros.

“There are different types of families and that is why all families fit in our party, because we are a popular party. In the case of single-parent families, we are committed to increasing the permits up to 26 weeks,” said Feijóo, who said that These measures are part of “the useful policy” that looks for “solutions to problems.”

Feijóo explained that single-parent families also “they will be given a unique specific title”, issued by the Public Administrations, as well as large families.

On the other hand, addressing the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, he said that “Politics is not about being in the Government for a while” and that it is not “a hobby”, but rather “a daily commitment to people’s problems” and for this reason the PP fully enters “the debates of our time”, such as that of conciliation.

Feijóo proposes equalizing large and single-parent families and extending their permits up to 26 weeks

“You will never hear me say that money must be taken from educationHealth or Social Services to pay a partner. Never,” said the Galician politician.

He has continued his attack on Sánchez, of whom he has recalled that he governs “without Budgets, without laws, surrounded by corruption and the lies and hostage of his partners. This is sanchismo, but not Spain.” “There is not a single prime minister in Europe who would last in office,” he said.

Feijóo has accused Pedro Sánchez of governing with “uncomfortable partners” and of reaching “unspeakable pacts”, while predicting that many Spaniards would now vote for the PP because it defends the interests of Spain and “You don’t need to go to Waterloo”in relation to Puigdemont’s demands to maintain support for the socialist Government.

Four-day work week

Feijóo has also talked about his proposal to concentrate the working day in four days with schedules of up to nine and a half hours.

“I know that it has bothered some that we talk about conciliation. It has bothered them so much that they are not clear about criticizing us. And that is why they do it both things at the same time. It has bothered them so much that they don’t know whether to say that we work for businessmen or that we oppose them,” he said.

For this reason, he has assured that “no one” is “going to impose” on them what the PP is talking about as well as “nor is anyone going to convince me of face very complex problems with very simplistic formulas, because we leave that to the Government of Spain.

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