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Alegría congratulates Navarra for being “the territory with the highest number of vocational training students”, a model that continues to “grow”

The Minister of Education, Vocational Training and Sports, Pilar Alegría, has congratulated Navarre “for being the territory with the highest number of FP students“, a model that continues to “grow” and is positioned as one of the “priorities” of the central government to, by connecting the reality of each Autonomous Community with the needs of its business fabric, “reduce youth employment.”

This was pointed out this Saturday in Pamplonaduring the closing of the first session of the IV Conference ‘Family and students. Positive in Coexistence’organized by CANAE-CEAPA. Also attending were the president of the Parliament of Navarra, Unai Hualde, the delegate of the Government in Navarra, Alicia Echeverría, the Minister of Education of the Government of Navarra, Carlos Gimeno, and regional parliamentarians.

In statements to the media before the event, Alegría considered that the families and student representatives “are the two basic pillars of our educational systemalong with the teachers.” “All educational administrations and, of course, the Government of Spain, have to live very close to the reflections and contributions that both mothers and fathers and students make to us, because through They, who know the direct reality of the educational environment, allow us to make decisions that are much closer to reality,” he noted.

Alegría congratulates Navarra for being “the territory with the highest number of vocational training students”, a model that continues to “grow”

Already during the event, as indicated by the Legislature in a note, the minister was pleased to be able to verify in situ the “active” participation of the groups that make up the educational community and has highlighted the “commitment” of the central government “to all those issues related to emotional well-being or coexistence.” Alegría highlighted that “it was this Government that has reactivated the State Observatory of School Coexistence paralyzed by the PP and who has created a program for the emotional well-being of studentswhich has made it possible to provide the autonomous communities with 10 million euros in the last two years”.

The minister also had words for CEAPA and CANAE, whom she congratulated for their “constructive and purposeful attitude within the State School Council, where your contributions and reflections are taken very seriously“There will always be problems and pending challenges, but progress always arises from positive attitudes, not from destructive positions or misinformed messages,” he stated.

For his part, Hualde has highlighted the importance of “work on coexistence, and education in equality in a collegiate way, hand in hand with the entire educational community, seeking the involvement of students, families and teachers.” “In a world in which, as a result of technologyimmediacy prevails and hoaxes, wars and hatred proliferate, it is urgent to strengthen teaching to try to face all these challenges in a solvent way and with a long-range vision,” he said.

In this regard and regarding the “transcendence of training in tolerance and respect”, Hualde has valued the work carried out by the Navarrese institutions to, taking as a reference the Laguntza program, “pioneer” in its approaches and six years later “still in force”, improve education “as an engine of social development, also on a personal level.”

Thus things and after an allusion to the mental healthwhose “reinforcement” constitutes one of “our main concernsas is evident in the different conferences and courses that we celebrate in Parliament”, Unai Hualde has concluded by reiterating the “commitment” of the Executive and the Legislative with the inclusion of education among the strategic axes of their policies, all directed to “strengthen public services“.

Antonio Amante, president of CANAE, and María Capellán, president of CEAPA, have stated that “families and students constitute the pillars of the educational system”, and have claimed the importance of mental health in the school environmentafter expressing their “willingness” to continue working in favor of an “integrative, inclusive, egalitarian” education that responds to the challenges of the present and future.”

“In a system as complex as the educational one, where diverse interests coexist, it is essential to remember that the rights of families and students They can’t stay in the background. Schools must be at the service of those who learn and those who accompany them in learning. Only by working together can we make it happen,” they said.

The session held in the Parliament of Navarra included two presentations. The first, by Borja Rodriguezpsychologist, therapist and popularizer, has dealt with Mental health and positive coexistence. The second, with the pedagogue and specialist in coexistence Nélida Ziteguihas dealt with the Coexistence as a priority. The closing of these IV Conferences on families, students and coexistence will take place on sundayalready outside the parliamentary headquarters, with the preparation of the conclusions and the final report.

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