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Friday, September 27, 2024

Portugal’s Prime Minister addresses wildfires « Euro Weekly News

Portugal’s Prime Minister addresses wildfires « Euro Weekly News

Portugal is battling over 100 wildfires that have claimed the lives of three brave firefighters and four civilians, highlighting the dangerous conditions caused by extreme weather.

Northern and central Portugal are at high risk of wildfires until at least Wednesday, according to the BBC.

Portuguese Prime Minister addresses wildfires in televised speech

Portuguese Prime Minister Luís Montenegro declared a state of calamity for the hardest-hit areas late on Tuesday, summoning more firefighters and civil servants. He also called on police investigators to intensify their efforts to find those who started the fires and pledged help for those who have lost their homes or have been evacuated.

“We are well aware that these difficult hours are not over yet,” Montenegro told the nation. “We have to continue to give everything we have and ask for help from our partners and friends so that we can reinforce the protection of our people and property.”

According to a recent report from TimeOut, travel in affected regions is increasingly restricted as roads are closed and public transport is disrupted. The fires have intensified due to high winds and scorching temperatures, making firefighting efforts even more difficult.

Neighbouring countries offer support to Portugal during wildfires

According to a report by AP News, several EU nations, including Spain, France, Italy and Greece, have each pledged to send water-dropping aircrafts. In addition, Spain is deploying 240 soldiers and emergency vehicles.

The thick smoke and smell of burning wood has travelled approximately 85 kilometres into northwest Spain, highlighting the impact of these devastating blazes​. Over 50 people have been reported as injured.

View all Portugal news.


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