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New York
Monday, September 30, 2024

An 86-year-old retiree receives a false job offer and his reaction is amazing

An 86-year-old man has become the protagonist of a funny anecdote which has captured the attention of dozens of people on social networks.

The father of the user of X, @Nekare_ received a call in which they informed him that his resume had been selected. However, it was a scamsince the notice did not come from a legitimate job search platform.

The reaction of the old man, who took the situation with a lot of humor, It has no waste.

As usually happens in these cases, the funny reflection of the retiree who joked about the time it had taken to elect a candidate, generated a lots of comments in very few hours.

“Tell him not to ask about what he is going to charge, which is frowned upon nowadays”, “They called me too. And then they say, add my number to your WhatsApp and write to me” or “Apparently there is a scam with that .That you have been preselected and that you send them your information. They don’t know what to do to try to scam to the people”, are some of the messages.

An 86-year-old retiree receives a false job offer and his reaction is amazing

These types of fake calls and messages have become a daily hassle for many people, especially the most vulnerable, such as the elderly.

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