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Furious passengers slam Princess Cruises after shelling out thousands to travel on firm’s newest ship – only for ‘freeloading influencers’ to ruin the trip

A row has erupted after paying guests on a cruiseliner said the ship was ‘overrun’ with ‘freeloading’ influencers who ruined their trip.

Passengers claimed crowds of vloggers were given extra entertainment and priority areas that weren’t offered to other customers during the boat’s first UK docking.

TikTokers and Instagrammers were treated to events from BBC radio’s Scott Mills as well as a gig by singer songwriter and 2022 Eurovision entry Sam Ryder.

But those who shelled out thousands of pounds for tickets for the cruise said they were left feeling ‘like second class citizens’ and ‘beneath loud-mouthed ‘bloggers’ who ‘cheapened’ the whole experience.

Princess Cruises’ newest ship, Sun Princess, docked in Southampton at the weekend for her UK debut as she completed her inaugural Mediterranean season.

Dubbed the ‘Next Level Love Boat’, she was officially welcomed during an Inaugural Call Celebration, hosted by Sun Princess Captain Craig Street.

Furious passengers slam Princess Cruises after shelling out thousands to travel on firm’s newest ship – only for ‘freeloading influencers’ to ruin the trip

TikTokker Becki Jones (second from left) with other bloggers on the Sun Princess

Bloggers enjoying the luxuries of the Sun Princess which docked in Southampton at the weekend

Bloggers enjoying the luxuries of the Sun Princess which docked in Southampton at the weekend

Entertainment was headlined by Radio 2 Broadcaster, Scott Mills, as well as a gig by singer songwriter Sam Ryder (pictured)

Entertainment was headlined by Radio 2 Broadcaster, Scott Mills, as well as a gig by singer songwriter Sam Ryder (pictured) 

Bloggers onboard included TikTok queen Becki Jones (pictured), who mainly documented her mealtimes

Bloggers onboard included TikTok queen Becki Jones (pictured), who mainly documented her mealtimes

Furious customers took to social media to slam the company for giving influencers special treatment

Furious customers took to social media to slam the company for giving influencers special treatment 

Some travel TikTokers had been on the ship for the best part of a week, having flown to Barcelona to pick the cruiseliner up in Spain before sailing back to Southampton for an all-expenses-paid trip to plug the boat.

And on Sunday September 22, an invitation-only event saw dozens more influencers and bloggers welcomed onboard the 177-tonne boat to check out the facilities.

Entertainment was headlined by Radio 2 Broadcaster, Scott Mills, as well as a gig by singer songwriter Sam Ryder.

But it left paying customers’ noses seriously out of joint with many complaining about the boat being ‘overrun’ by social media-obsessed travellers.

Complaints included the TikTokkers pushing into queues for food, eating ‘obscene’ amounts and constantly filming their antics, while one said she saw one take over a disco for 20 minutes while she recorded herself dancing to Britney Spears hits.

Bloggers onboard included plus-sized travel expert Kirstyleannetravels and TikTok queen Becki Jones, who mainly documented her mealtimes.

She posted pictures of herself enjoying breakfast on her balcony in her PJs as well as luxury meals in some of the ship’s many diners.

On one breakfast post on Instagram, she said: ‘Did somebody say champagne breakfast on the balcony – I’m living the life of a queen!!’

TikTokker Becki Jones (second from left) with other bloggers on the Sun Princes

TikTokker Becki Jones (second from left) with other bloggers on the Sun Princes

Becki Jones enjoying her balcony on the Sun princess over the weekend

Becki Jones enjoying her balcony on the Sun princess over the weekend 

Angry passengers took to Facebook to slam the company for giving influencers special treatment

Angry passengers took to Facebook to slam the company for giving influencers special treatment

One fuming relative of a couple affected by the number of bloggers onboard said on Facebook: ‘I don’t normally use social media, however on this occasion I felt like I needed to express what a shambles it has been for my parents.

‘They flew to Seville and docked back at Southampton. The whole time being there it was like a circus, everywhere they looked were young groups of ‘bloggers’ or ‘vloggers’ filming themselves with obscene amounts of food, being loud and over the top and generally annoying.

‘The last day they were so sick of it they sat in there (sic) cabin the whole time.

‘Certain areas of the ship was closed off for special events, they paid and were treated as a non priority. The world’s gone mad.

‘My parents would just like to warn anyone going with Princess Cruises and insisted to me there are better companies to use.

‘What a shame, ‘Sun’ Princess, taking peoples money and using it as a platform to advertise the whole time when it’s supposed to be a relaxing time is disgraceful.

‘My parents are taking it further.’

They added: ‘There was also a bigger lady, in a group jumping in front of them to get her food with a camera shoved in her face the whole time laughing and unaware there were other guests on board. Do not recommend.’

Bloggers enjoying the luxuries of the Sun Princess which docked in Southampton at the weekend

Bloggers enjoying the luxuries of the Sun Princess which docked in Southampton at the weekend

Influencer Becki Jones enjoying her balcony on the Sun princess

Influencer Becki Jones enjoying her balcony on the Sun princess

One responded: ‘I agree we got off a day early as they changed the itinerary for two nights in Southampton to get ready for all these bloggers and travel agents at our expense – not one word of apology or refund.’

Another said: ‘What a shame for your parents. We are on the Sun Princess now and have been since Barcelona. We observed much the same. I hope this next leg of the trip will be better for them.’

Another responded: ‘Oddly, I find this complaint actually VERY valid.

‘So many ”vloggers”, ”influencers”, and travel agents, traveling for free…you know that ”someone” is paying for them… the passengers who are not traveling for free!

‘Why schmooze the folks who only travel on someone else’s dime?’

Another said: ‘It really isn’t fair to all the passengers who paid their hard earned money for a nice cruise. That is all kinds of wrong to do this.’

Another explained how they were at one of the ship’s discos when an influencer struck.

‘One Britney Spears influencer took over the whole disco one night!’ they said.

‘The DJ played around seven Britney songs in a row while her friend filmed her dancing and miming the songs!

‘We all had to sit and watch as we hate Britney Spears music! It just went on and on and on! So selfish and embarrassing!’

One replied: ‘We have been suffering them for days!’

Another said they were gutted not to be able to see Sam Ryder, posting: ‘Yay so Sam Rider (sic) is on Sun tonight. Oh no he’s not for us full paying passengers!!!!

‘He’s only for the freeloading bloggers and vloggers.

‘Absolutely disgusting Princess that you put free passengers before us paying ones.’

Another complained: ‘The ship is full of travel agents and bloggers. They have been invited for the day to enjoy the ship.

‘Deck 8 American Diner has been transformed into a special dining room for these guests.

‘Roses are on all tables and waiters are in their formal dress.’

One replied: ‘This is disgusting and totally out of order. Why are vloggers getting priority and guests having to put up with all of this and not being able to access certain areas?’

Another said: ‘They’re also having a party in the dome tonight with Scot Mills the radio 2 DJ, it’s just terrible treating paying guests as second class.’

One replied: ‘When you’ve saved and paid for the experience out of your own pocket, get back to me about how it’s ok to be treated beneath loud mouthed ‘bloggers’ who get gifted it for free and cheapen the whole experience.’

Another added: ‘I was in the lift/elevator with four girls from Newcastle inside with a glass of champagne saying they were gonna get our money’s worth today.

‘Princess Cruises do not care less about their paying passengers and would rather upset them by allowing all the freeloaders on board.’

Another fumed: ‘It was only a party for bloggers and travel agents – not for the fare paying passengers – we weren’t invited and were restricted into other areas with reduced entertainment, reduced food venues and no officers available!’

One added: ‘These last two days in Southampton have been horrible. It’s like us paying guests have become second class citizens.

‘The dome is closed for a private event, the only place where we could hide and relax from the rain and still use a pool. The piazza was full of press, corporate people, bloggers and influencers having a private red carpet party.

‘You can’t walk or relax anywhere without a group of people invading your privacy. People are constantly on cameras.’

However, one explained that content creators did their best not to bother other people – and paid their way. 

He said: ‘I was on this cruise. TBH, only the last day when a ton of creators were invited onboard was there an excess of people running around with cameras.

‘As a creator myself – I can attest that the situation described here is in the minority.

‘Most creators will go out of their way – filming at 6am for example – to ensure that other passengers are not captured on camera.

‘We also ask to dine very late and sit in a corner if we intend to film.

‘If you’ve ever watched a YouTube video to make and informed cruise decision or to live a trip vicariously; you’ll notice for the most part – the ships look pretty empty (this is why). 

‘Also, just in case of any assumption. We were not invited to the PR event, and paid for a nine-night cruise as a vacation.’

Sun Princess is run by Princess Cruises and is known for her sleek next level design, with a huge new glass dome visible from the outside.

The ship caters for 4,300 guests with a crew of 1,600 and will next set sail to Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

MailOnline has contacted Princess Cruises for comment. 

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